This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Shapefiles of 1982 DCCA and vote turnout data'.

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L/M(734)  to  REO 
OUR REF.  CR/14/42 (pt.43) 
來 函 檔 號  YOUR REF.  
19  October  2023 
(Email address: [email protected])   
Dear Brown, 
Request for the District Council Geographical Constituency Boundaries 
I  write  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  email  of  13  October  2023  referred  by  the 
Registration  and  Electoral  Office  to  this  Commission.    Your  email  will  be  carefully 
considered by this Commission and you will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible. 
Yours sincerely, 
                                                                          (Miss Vicola LAW) 
for Secretary 
Electoral Affairs Commission 
九龍長沙灣東京街西 3 號庫務大樓 8 樓  8th Floor, Treasury Building, 3 Tonkin Street West, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon