TIP screening questions and interdepartmental joint assessment mechanism

Charlie Yeung made this Freedom of Information request to Labour Department

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Labour Department should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Labour Department,

1. Please provide details on any standardized protocols and procecdural differences in the conduct of TIP assessments by the Labour Department, Immigration Department, C&E Department, and Police pursuant to the interdepartmental joint TIP assessment mechanism. In particular, please explain how cases are assigned or allocated to each department and their respective screening methods (i.e. including guidelines and explanation of common practices). If your department does not possess information on other departments or the interdepartmental joint assessment mechanism, please confirm this and provide the requested information for your department only.

2. Regarding Tier 1 and 2 screenings for TIP assessments carried out by your department, please provide the standard list(s) of questions (or procedural guidelines guiding any variation in questioning).

Yours faithfully,


Labour Department

Dear Ms YEUNG,

Thank you for your email to the Labour Department on 12 January 2021. Your
request for information is being processed and we will reply you in due

Yours sincerely,

(Ms Simona LAM)
for Commissioner for Labour
Tel.: 3582 8971)

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