

陳先生:   就你於2022年6月22日申請索取的資料,本局現回覆如下:   政府於2020年12月23日刊登憲報,訂立《預防及控制疾病(使用疫苗)規例》( 第599K章)(《規例》),在目前公共衞生緊急狀態下提供法律框架,引入符合安全 、效能及質素要求的新冠疫苗作緊急使用。...
Dear ZHANG Luting,        Thank you for your email enquiries to Food and Environmental Hygiene Department dated 30 September 2021 at 15:10 and 15:12,...
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Tree Risk Assessment Forms
跟進C.C. Kan食物及衞生局發出的索取資料要求。


Thanks for agreeing to provide a soft copy of the requested documents. A cheque for the charge of reproducing the documents is being mailed to you...
Number of ice cream hawking licenses in Hong Kong
Request sent to 食物及衞生局 by CHAN Yeuk Hang Erin on .


I am Erin Chan from Affinity Magazine (http://affinitymagazine.us/2016/08/16/ch... and The Young Reporter (http://tyr.jour.hkbu.edu.hk/2017/10/11/c....
Question about supermarket's complains
Request sent to 食物及衞生局 by Carol Law Cheuk Ki on .


I wonder how many complaint of supermarket, which is about food safety, over the past 20 years? Yours faithfully, Carol Law Cheuk Ki [email add...
Question about the number of supermarket's complaint
Request sent to 食物及衞生局 by Carol Law Cheuk Ki on .


I wonder how many complaint of supermarket, which is about food safety, over the past 20 years? Yours faithfully, Carol Law Cheuk Ki
