This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Additional information on the Hong Kong Societies Ordinance'.

Number of persons and organisations convicted under Chapter 151
Period of case conclusion:
Conviction type
July 2020-December 2022
First conviction
Second and subsequent convictions
1. The counting unit is person/organisation in a court case.  The number of conviction for
each person/organisation involved is counted separately, even if they were involved in the
same case.
2. A person/organisation is classified as "First conviction” when the person/organisation was
convicted under Cap. 151 for the first time during the period July 2020 -  December 2022.
3. A person/organisation is classified as "Second or subsequent convictions” when the
person/organisation was convicted under Cap. 151 not for the first time during the period
July 2020 -  December 2022.
4. All convicted cases (including those sentenced to imprisonment and those fined) are