Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau Financial Services Branch

A public authority

8 requests
Mel Chen:   你於2023年12月27日要求索取《關於深化粵港金融合作的協議》的全文。由於有關文 件是簽署雙方的內部文件,披露或會令特區政府與相關政府的關係受到傷害或損害, 根據《公開資料守則》第2.4(a)段,即資料如披露會令對外事務或與其他政府或國際 組織的關係受到傷害或損...
Dear Rossi,   Thank you for your email.  Please be informed that your message has been conveyed to the Department of Health and they will follow-u...
Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Dear Cynthia,   I refer to your emails of 8 and 10 August 2023 on captioned subject.  I enclose herewith a copy of Financial Circular for your ref...
李先生: 你於6月30日的電郵要求提供2021年及2022年(第一階段)消費券計劃下各儲值支付工 具的更精確數字。然而,因應個別儲值支付工具營辦商關注公布有關數字或會影響營 辦商之間的公平競爭,我們根據《公開資料守則》中第2.16段,即資料(包括商業、 金融、科學或技術機密、貿易秘密或知識產...
李先生: 就你於4月9日以電郵索取有關消費券計劃下各儲值支付工具的統計數字,現回覆如 下: 由於政府現正就新一輪消費券計劃第二階段與多間儲值支付工具營辦商商討合作協議 ,如提供所索取的統計數字,有可能影響有關過程,令政府的利益受到傷害或損害。 因此,我們須根據《公開資料守則》中第2.9...
Dear Jenny, I refer to your application dated 27 November 2021 for access to the tender document issued by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Auth...
Access Request for Financial Circular 2/2005
Internal review request sent to Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau Financial Services Branch by Mathew Leatherbarrow on .

Awaiting internal review.

Are you able to provide a response to this request please? Yours faithfully, Mathew Leatherbarrow

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