Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing

A public authority

18 requests
Dear Sir/Madam,          I refer to your application requesting for information under the Code on Access to Information dated 2023-06-13 and our rep...
Dear Mr Scott Edmunds, I refer to your further request dated 2023-04-22 and hereby append below the responses of the Immigration Department and Hong...
Sneak shot statistic
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing to Kylie on .

Partially successful.

Dear Kylie,         Your request dated 2022-05-31 refers.  Please find the requested information below for your perusal. (1) Number of reported ca...
Dear Ms. EDGAR,         Your follow-up request dated 2022-05-26 refers.  Please be informed that the police figures concerning the child sexual abus...
Gambling Crime Statistics
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing to Kyle Tse on .


Dear Kyle,         Your request dated 2022-03-10 refers.  Please find the requested information below for your perusal.  The Police do not maintain...
Dear Ms. EDGAR,         Please find the further requested information below for your perusal. Q1: The figures in terms of 'cases' that we released...
Dear Allyson, Your application for access to information dated 23 August 2021 refers. Our final reply dated 6 September 2021 is resent below for yo...
Dear Charlie,         I refer to your request dated 2021-05-04.  Please find the requested information below for your perusal. Q1 The business o...
Dear Mr. Taylor AMAREL,         I refer to your request dated 2020-10-20.  Our reply is appended below for your perusal- For Question 1a to 1c Pl...
Money Lender Statistics
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing to Taylor Amarel on .

Partially successful.

Dear Sir, Thank you for your email dated 2020-05-01. Currently, the Licensing Court, the Police and the Money Lenders Unit (MLU) of the Companies R...
Dear Mr. Amarel,   I refer to your request for access to information dated 2019-12-17. For the number of money lender licences that were cancelled...
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing to Gabriel on .


先生/小姐: 就閣下在2017年12月16日按《公開資料守則》提出索取資料的要求,本處有以下回覆 : 現時共有38,115個社團於警察牌照課社團事務處備存的已獲註冊或豁免註冊的社團或 分支機構名單內,有關社團已獲註冊或豁免註冊的社團或分支機構名單,公眾可於以 下網頁閱覽 :[1]http...
Crime statistics
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing to Aung Kaung Myat on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr. Aung Kaung Myat,                                                                 I refer to your enquiry dated 20 April 2017 requesting for...
Dear Mr. Scott Edmunds,                                                                 I refer to your email dated 9 March 2017 requiring the crime...
Arrest/conviction/prosecution data request
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing to Scott Edmunds on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr. Scott Edmunds,         I refer to your email dated 28 July 2016 and your further request on 15 August 2016 for resending the crime statisti...

Only requests made using accessinfo.hk are shown. ?