Leisure and Cultural Services Department

A public authority

We aim to provide quality leisure and cultural services commensurate with Hong Kong's development as a world-class city and events capital.

11 requests
Thank you for your information. Yours sincerely, Rachel Tam
Response by Leisure and Cultural Services Department to Kim McCoy on .


Dear Sir / Madam, Code on Access to Information Re : Application No. 15/2023                         Further to our interim reply dated 7 February...
Dear all, Code on Access to Information Re : Application No. 123/2021 (1823 Case No.: 3-6915468018) I refer to your email dated 30 September 2021...
Dear Mr Wang, Code on Access to Information Re : Application No. 53/2021 I refer to your application dated 5 May 2021 seeking access to information...
Thank you very much for your response. Yours sincerely, Agnes Yip
先生/女士﹕ 《公開資料守則》 申請編號3/2017         本署於一月八日收到你索取有關「故宮全接觸」系列活動的資料申請,現回 覆如下﹕                                                                      ...

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