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Our ref. : IL/00839404/23, L/M (118) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C
Dear Lee,
I refer to your application for access to information which was r...
Dear Lee,
Attached please find SB’s substantive reply for the subject
enquiry. Thank you.
[See attachment "SB's reply.pdf"]
Dear Lee,
Further to our two interim replies, attached please find SB’s
substantive reply.
[See attachment "Final Reply.docx"]
Non-refoulment protection claimants 2022
Response by Security Bureau to Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Lee,
Further to our interim replies on 22 March 2023 and 3 April 2023,
attached please find the substantive reply from the Security B...
TIP screening Q4 of 2020
Partially successful.
This data from this request is cited in:
Leung, H., Yeung, C., & Ho, P. (2022). Traffickers and Victims: Opposite sides of the same coin?. Anti-Traf...
Notice given upon detention review
Response by Security Bureau to Surabhi Chopra on .
Partially successful.
Dear Surabhi Chopra,
I refer to your request for access to information on 12 May 2022. Further
to our interim reply of 20 May 2022, our reply is pro...
Provision of PFLA to non-refoulement claimants after 30 June 2022
Response by Security Bureau to Preston Cheung on .
Dear Mr Cheung,
I refer to your request for access to information on 24 February 2022.
Our reply is provided as below, please.
We would like to m...
Torture claims appeal board/non-refoulement claims petitions office: Q1 2022
Response by Security Bureau to Y. F. Liu on .
Dear Mr Liu,
Thank you for your email of 20 April 2022 requesting for information on
the number of appeals/petitions handled by the Torture Claims...
Number of non-refoulement claimants on 31 December 2021
Response by Security Bureau to Y. F. Liu on .
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I refer to your request for access to information on 23 February 2022.
Our reply is given as attached below, please.
Torture claims appeal board/non-refoulement claims petitions office: Q4 2021
Response by Security Bureau to Y. F. Liu on .
Dear Mr Liu,
Thank you for your email of 23 February 2022 requesting for information on
the number of appeals/petitions handled by the Torture Cla...
Our ref.: L/M (13) in ImmD RALRS/6-5/2/R Pt.II
Dear Raquel Amador,
We refer to your application for access to information of 17 February
2022, fur...
Thank you for your reply.
Yours faithfully,
John Lee
Torture claims appeal board/non-refoulement claims petitions office: Q2 2021
Response by Security Bureau to Preston Cheung on .
Dear Mr Cheung,
Thank you for your email of 18 February 2022. The breakdown by
nationality of the appeals/petitions which were allowed by the Tor...
Dear Raquel Amador,
Further to our interim reply on 7 January 2022, we are now able to give
you a substantive reply.
The HKSAR G...
Dear Raquel Amador,
Further to our interim reply on 7 January 2022, we are now able to give
you a substantive reply.
The HKSAR G...
Clarification regarding crime statistics submitted to LegCo Finance Committee
Response by Security Bureau to Surabhi Chopra on .
Dear Ms Chopra,
I refer to your request for access to information on 27 September 2021,
please. Further to our interim replies on 6 October 2021 an...
Number of non-refoulement claimants on 31December 2020 & 30 September 2021
Response by Security Bureau to Y. F. Liu on .
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I refer to your request for access to information on 11 October 2021. In
consultation with the Immigration Department (“ImmD”), th...
Statistics on TIP Screening: 2020Q2-2021Q3
Response by Security Bureau to Preston Cheung on .
Partially successful.
Dear Preston,
Please be informed that quarterly breakdown of the statistics was not
Excel worksheet for the requested statistics is...
Torture claims appeal board/non-refoulement claims petitions office: Q3 2021
Response by Security Bureau to Preston Cheung on .
Dear Mr Cheung,
I refer to your email of 1 November 2021 requesting for provision of
information on the number of appeals/petitions("appeals") handl...
Pilot Scheme for Provision of Publicly-funded Legal Assistance for Non-refoulement Claimants
Response by Security Bureau to Preston Cheung on .
Partially successful.
Dear Preston Cheung
Thank you for your email of 21 September 2021.
In the abovementioned email, you have mentioned that the Duty
TCAB's PPP upon Commencement of Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2021
Response by Security Bureau to Preston Cheung on .
Dear Mr Cheung,
Preceding replied emails (both interim and final reply) had already sent
out to your given email <[FOI #726 email]>. Please
see ou...
Compliance with humanitarian assistance/Alternative to Detention Programme
Response by Security Bureau to Surabhi Chopra on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Chopra,
I refer to your request for access to information on 13 and 27 September
An absconder is a person who is released on recog...
Pilot Scheme for Provision of Publicly-funded Legal Assistance for Non-refoulement Claimants upon Commencement of Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2021
Follow up sent to Security Bureau by Preston Cheung on .
Thank you very much for your assistance on this.
Kind regards,
Preston Cheung
Legal Assistance Scheme for Non-refoulement Claimants upon the commencement of Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2021
Response by Security Bureau to Preston Cheung on .
Dear Mr Cheung,
I refer to your request for access to information on 24 August 2021. In
consultation with the Duty Lawyer Service (DLS), the reques...
Only requests made using accessinfo.hk are shown. ?