A chart showing 83.57% of requests have been categorised
242 requests left to categorise / 1,473 total

Top recent players

All time best players

1. Jack Lau 41 requests
2. Kelvin Lee 28 requests
3. Guy Freeman 12 requests
4. A. Cheung 12 requests
5. Patrick Chan 10 requests
6. Ken Lee 8 requests
7. Preston Cheung 6 requests
8. cty 5 requests
9. Scott Edmunds 3 requests
10. stranbusel 2 requests

Play the request categorisation game!

Some people who've made requests haven't let us know whether they were successful or not. We need your help – choose one of these requests, read it, and let everyone know whether or not the information has been provided. Everyone'll be exceedingly grateful.

I am writing to request the designation of digital boundaries for country parks and special areas and would appreciate a document in shape file forma...
Lands Use
Requested from Lands Department by MS TSE on

Awaiting classification.

地政總署: 請問有公眾網頁可以得悉某大廈/物業的土地用途嗎? 如商業用途/ 住宅用途 市民 MS TSE
Mandarin speakers OR mainlanders in Hong Kong
Requested from Census and Statistics Department by Shuting Deng on

Awaiting classification.

Could you please provide me data about the population in Hong Kong whose first language is Mandarin, or immigrants moving from the mainland to HK? I...

Thanks for helping - your work will make it easier for everyone to find successful responses, and maybe even let us make league tables...