Browse and search requests (page 5)


About 296 FOI requests found

Non-emergency ambulances sent to immigration detention facilities
Response by Hospital Authority to H. Y. Fung on .

Information not held.

Dear Sir/Madam,   Thank you for your Application to Access to Information dated 17 December 2021. Please find below the Hospital Authority (HA) He...
Solitary confinement at Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre
Response by Immigration Department to Surabhi Chopra on .

Information not held.

Our Reference: L/M (6) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.2 Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 1 December 2021 and ou...
Dear Sir/ Madam, Your email dated 8.12.2021 refers.  It is reiterated that we do not maintain the following statistical figures pursuant to para. 1....
Dear Sir/ Madam, Your email of 10.12.2021 refers.   The CSD is currently supervising persons in custody who have committed serious crimes, pose se...
Dear Grace, In my last email, I wanted to mention that we do not have data to know whether the stray dogs are abandoned by immigrants. Sorry for my...
Dear Jenny, I refer to your application dated 27 November 2021 for access to the tender document issued by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Auth...
Dear Sir/ Madam, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on 15...
Dear Sir/ Madam, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on 15...
Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on...
Dear Ms. Raquel Amador, Further to our interim reply of 17.11.2021, a substantive reply to your request for information is as follows. 2.        CCT...
Complaints made by non-locals to CSD
Response by Correctional Services Department to Raquel Amador on .

Information not held.

Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your e-mail dated 5.11.2021.  The data under request include - (1) the number of complaints to CSD with breakdown by...
Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on...
Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on...
Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on...
Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on...
Dear Ms. LO, Further to our interim reply of 26.10.2021, a substantive reply to your request for information is as follows. 2.        Pursuant to Se...
ShapeFile of underground cables
Response by Electrical and Mechanical Services Department to Matt on .

Information not held.

Dear Matt, Thanks for your enquiry. Please note that this department does not own the information required. You may consider approaching the utility...
Dear Preston Cheung, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information ("the Code") to this Department on...
Chan先生:   根據《公開資料守則》要求索取資料 申請編號:62/2021   本局於2021年10月28日收到你根據《公開資料守則》提出索取資料的申請,現回覆如 下:   有關「2021/22學年的全日制經本地評審自資副學位、第一年級學士學位和銜接學位 課程按院校...
Emergency medical treatment and hospitalisations at MTKDC
Response by Immigration Department to Surabhi Chopra on .

Information not held.

Our Reference: L/M (537) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 13.10.2021 and our interim...
number of sex workers held at CSD institutions
Response by Correctional Services Department to Surabhi Chopra on .

Information not held.

Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information ("the Code") to this Department o...
Emergency medical treatment and hospitalisations at CIC
Response by Immigration Department to Surabhi Chopra on .

Information not held.

Our Reference: L/M (9) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.2 Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 12 October 2021 and ou...
How Does The PCR Test Discover the Variant of SARS-CoV-2
Follow up sent to Department of Health by Allyson van de Pol on .

Information not held.

I'll presume therfeore that neither Koch's or River's postulates have therefore been implemnted. Thank you for your confirmation. Yours faithful...
Number of unlawful detention claims
Response by Immigration Department to Raquel Amador on .


Dear Ms Amador,                         We refer to your email dated 12 October 2021 to the Immigration Department making a data access request (“yo...
Dear Mr/Ms Surabhi Chopra, Code on Access to Information - Application No. 90/2021 I refer to your email of 26 October 2021. Social Welfare Departme...