This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Request regarding the legal reaction to the 2019 HK protests'.

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 14:57:40 +0000
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Request regarding the legal reaction to the 2019 HK protests
From: Victor Alamercery <[email protected]>
To: FOI requests at Department of Justice <[email protected]>

Dear Department of Justice,
I have a few questions regarding the legal response to the current 2019 protests

1) Arrests related to the protests (since June)
 In terms of demographics : what age categories, gender, socio-economic categories ?
 How many arrests led to legal proceedings (as opposed to short detention in custody)
 Statistics of legal grounds pressed against protesters (riot? Assault? Arson? Criminal Damage? Weapons possession? Unlawful assembly?)
 What were the 5 distinct events (or days) in which the most arrests were made ?

2) Do you have any breakout of the protests in terms of what cause they were defending?
 Number of Pro-establishment protests ?
 Number of Anti-establishment protests ?
 How many arrests were made during Anti-establishment events and Pro-establishment events respectively ?
 How many people were prosecuted following the Yuen Long MTR station events on 21st/22nd of July, 2019 ?

3) How many protests applications were accepted ? How many were rejected, and on what legal grounds ?

I thank you in advance for your collaboration,
Yours faithfully,


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