A Request for Information Relating to Sterilization of Buffaloes in South Lantau

Frances made this Freedom of Information request to Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

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The request was partially successful.

Dear Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department,

Please could you provide me with the following information related to the Sterilization of Buffaloes in South Lantau:

- how much of your budget you are allocating to the euthanasia of the buffalo
- what is the justification for this expense
- how are you measuring the effectiveness of this program to ensure it gets value for money and achieves the stated goals
- what considerations have been made for any unintended consequences resulting from this policy and what budget have they set aside to deal with this
- what consultation was undertaken with the local community to support this initiative
- who is responsible for the sign-off and management of this policy

Yours faithfully,

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

Dear Frances,

We received your request for information of sterilization of buffaloes in
South Lantau island on 30 November and we need more time to process your
request.  Pursuant to paragraph 1.16 of the Code, you will be advised
further in relation to your request by 20 December.

Dennis WONG
for Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation

From:        Frances <[FOI #1465 email]>
To:        "FOI requests at Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Department" <[Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department request email]>
Date:        2023/11/30 下午 05:25
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - A Request for Information
Relating to Sterilization of Buffaloes in South Lantau


Dear Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department,

Please could you provide me with the following information related to the
Sterilization of Buffaloes in South Lantau:

- how much of your budget you are allocating to the euthanasia of the
- what is the justification for this expense
- how are you measuring the effectiveness of this program to ensure it
gets value for money and achieves the stated goals
- what considerations have been made for any unintended consequences
resulting from this policy and what budget have they set aside to deal
with this
- what consultation was undertaken with the local community to support
this initiative
- who is responsible for the sign-off and management of this policy

Yours faithfully,


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the accessinfo.hk website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1465 email]

Is [Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department? If so,
please contact us using this form:

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Dear Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department,

Please could you respond to this?

Yours faithfully,


Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

Dear Frances,

Further to our email dated 8 December 2023, our substantive reply is as

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department aims at mitigating
the conflicts between humans and the stray cattle population through
various control measures, including hiring of herdsmen. In general, the
Department only euthanises those stray cattle/buffaloes based on animal
welfare grounds; i.e. if they are severely injured or in those aging
cattle with irreversible illness and deteriorating quality of life.
The Cattle Management Team of the Department is responsible to discharge
such duty. The expenditure of running the Cattle Management Team is
approximately HK$5.6 million per year.

Calvin CHAN
for Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation

From:        Dennis WH WONG/AFCD/HKSARG
To:        [FOI #1465 email]
Date:        08/12/2023 11:08
Subject:        Fw: Freedom of Information request - A Request for
Information Relating to Sterilization of Buffaloes in South Lantau


Dear Frances,

We received your request for information of sterilization of buffaloes in
South Lantau island on 30 November and we need more time to process your
request.  Pursuant to paragraph 1.16 of the Code, you will be advised
further in relation to your request by 20 December.

Dennis WONG
for Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation

From:        Frances <[FOI #1465 email]>
To:        "FOI requests at Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Department" <[Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department request email]>
Date:        2023/11/30 下午 05:25
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - A Request for Information
Relating to Sterilization of Buffaloes in South Lantau


Dear Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department,

Please could you provide me with the following information related to the
Sterilization of Buffaloes in South Lantau:

- how much of your budget you are allocating to the euthanasia of the
- what is the justification for this expense
- how are you measuring the effectiveness of this program to ensure it
gets value for money and achieves the stated goals
- what considerations have been made for any unintended consequences
resulting from this policy and what budget have they set aside to deal
with this
- what consultation was undertaken with the local community to support
this initiative
- who is responsible for the sign-off and management of this policy

Yours faithfully,


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the accessinfo.hk website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1465 email]

Is [Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department? If so,
please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



Visible links
1. https://accessinfo.hk/en/change_request/...
2. https://accessinfo.hk/en/help/officers

Dear Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department,

You have not answered any of my questions. Please provide more comprehensive details against each question I have listed.

I have been made aware of the cruel handling of a buffalo by the AFCD. Please could you also tell me how this is legal within the remit of The Cattle Management Team of the Department?

Yours faithfully,


Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

Dear Frances,

I refer to your email dated 20 December 2023.  Our substantive reply is as

- how much of your budget you are allocating to the euthanasia of the

The department does not have a record of the specific amount of
expenditure spent on the euthanasia of buffaloes.

- what is the justification for this expense

The euthanasia of very sick and dying buffaloes is necessary to prevent
unnecessary suffering.

 - how are you measuring the effectiveness of this program to ensure it
gets value for money and achieves the stated goals

The purpose of euthanasia of very sick and dying animals is to end
unnecessary suffering. The responsible veterinary officer will confirm the
death of an animal after the procedure.
 - what considerations have been made for any unintended consequences
resulting from this policy and what budget have they set aside to deal
with this

Once again, the responsible veterinary officer will confirm the death of
an animal after euthanasia and before the disposal of the body.
 - what consultation was undertaken with the local community to support
this initiative

No consultation with the local community. But euthanasia of very sick and
dying stray animals has been a well-accepted method to end unnecessary
suffering in the veterinary field.

 - who is responsible for the sign-off and management of this policy

Euthanasia of very sick and dying animals is performed by veterinary
officers of the Department.

 - I have been made aware of the cruel handling of a buffalo by the AFCD.
Please could you also tell me how this is legal within the remit of The
Cattle Management Team of the Department?

The staff members in the Cattle Management Team are fully trained in
handling and catching buffaloes. They are also aware of the relevant
standard of animal welfare during operations. For example, when we try to
catch and move a fully sedated buffalo onto our cattle truck, we in
general do not drag the buffalo on the floor towards the truck. Even if we
have to drag a fully sedated animal on the floor for a distance, the
animal will be on a stretcher.

Calvin CHAN
for Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation

From:        Frances <[FOI #1465 email]>
To:        "FOI requests at Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Department" <[Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department request email]>
Date:        2023/12/20 上午 11:15
Subject:        Internal review of Freedom of Information request - A
Request for Information Relating to Sterilization of Buffaloes in South


Dear Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department,

You have not answered any of my questions. Please provide more
comprehensive details against each question I have listed.

I have been made aware of the cruel handling of a buffalo by the AFCD.
Please could you also tell me how this is legal within the remit of The
Cattle Management Team of the Department?

Yours faithfully,


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