Age breakdown of USM minors

Lee made this Freedom of Information request to Security Bureau

Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Please provide the number of non-refoulement protection claimants in Hong Kong as below in the following age breakdown:

1. 0-3 years old
2. 4-6 years old
3. 7-12 years old
4. 13-18 years old

Thank you.

SB-AIOREQ/SB, Security Bureau

Dear Lee,


      The Security Bureau received your application for access to
information on 27 September 2023.  Please be informed that the information
requested is under the purview of Immigration Department.  If you would
like us to refer your request to Immigration Department for handling,
please let us know by replying this email. 


Security Bureau


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Please refer the enquiry to the Immigration Department accordingly. Thank you.

SB-AIOREQ/SB, Security Bureau

Dear Lee,


      Thank you for your reply.  Our Bureau has passed your request to the
Immigration Department, which will provide the reply to you direct. 


Security Bureau



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Security Bureau

Our ref. : IL/00839404/23, L/M (118) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C



Dear Lee,


I refer to your application for access to information which was referred
by Security Bureau to the Immigration Department on 5 October 2023. 
Please find the requested information as below.


As at 30 September 2023, the number of non-refoulement claimants in Hong
Kong with the requested age breakdown are as follows:


| Age |Number of non-refoulement claimants in Hong Kong|
| 0-3 years old | 377 |
| 4-6 years old | 278 |
| 7-12 years old | 371 |
| 13-18 years old | 114 |
| Total | 1 140 |


Best Regards,



(HO Chun-pong)

for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the services and activities of the Hong Kong
Immigration Department, you are welcome to visit the [1]'Hong Kong
Immigration Department' YouTube Channel.

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