Data regarding the Assistance to Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme

Raquel Amador made this Freedom of Information request to Social Welfare Department

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Social Welfare Department,

I am writing to make a data access request about the Assistance to Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme, administered and delivered by International Social Services. May I know, in each of the years between 2010-20:

a) how many users did the Programme have?

b) of the number of individuals in a) how many individuals absconded or failed to comply with the conditions of the programme?

If a CSV or Excel format is possible, I would greatly appreciate it.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador

Dear Social Welfare Department,

I write to follow up on my request because I have not received a reply. Kindly respond as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador

Social Welfare Department

Dear Mr/Ms Amador,


Access to Information

Re: Application No. 2129/2021


          Thank you for your email of 30 June 2021.  According to our
record, we have never received your request concerning the captioned
matter.  To facilitate our timely processing of your request, I should be
grateful if you would resend your request to us.


                If you have any questions on the above, please contact me
at 2892 5628.




Ms Jasie LAU

for Director of Social Welfare

-----Raquel Amador <[FOI #675 email]> 撰寫:-----
收件人: FOI requests at Social Welfare Department <[Social Welfare Department request email]>
寄件人: Raquel Amador <[FOI #675 email]>
日期: 06/30/2021 03:53下午
主旨: [Possible SPAM] Re: Freedom of Information request - Data regarding
the Assistance to Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme

Dear Social Welfare Department,

I write to follow up on my request because I have not received a reply.
Kindly respond as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #675 email]

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Dear Social Welfare Department,

Thank you for your reply dated 2 July 2021. Please see below a copy of my original request dated 7 June 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador
Dear Social Welfare Department,

I am writing to make a data access request about the Assistance to Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme, administered and delivered by International Social Services. May I know, in each of the years between 2010-20:

a) how many users did the Programme have?

b) of the number of individuals in a) how many individuals absconded or failed to comply with the conditions of the programme?

If a CSV or Excel format is possible, I would greatly appreciate it.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador

Social Welfare Department

Dear Mr/Ms Amador,


Access to Information

Re: Application No. 2129/2021


                Thank you for your email of 2 July 2021.  Your application
is now under processing.  According to paragraph 1.16 of the Code on
Access to Information, our department will inform you of the latest
progress of the case separately on or before 22 July 2021.  In the
meantime, please contact me at 2892 5628 if you have any enquiry.





Ms Jasie LAU

for Director of Social Welfare

-----Raquel Amador <[FOI #675 email]> 撰寫:-----
收件人: FOI requests at Social Welfare Department <[Social Welfare Department request email]>
寄件人: Raquel Amador <[FOI #675 email]>
日期: 07/02/2021 06:39下午
主旨: Re: Freedom of Information request - Data regarding the Assistance
to Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme

Dear Social Welfare Department,

Thank you for your reply dated 2 July 2021. Please see below a copy of my
original request dated 7 June 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador
Dear Social Welfare Department,

I am writing to make a data access request about the Assistance to
Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme, administered and delivered by
International Social Services. May I know, in each of the years between

a) how many users did the Programme have?

b) of the number of individuals in a) how many individuals absconded or
failed to comply with the conditions of the programme?

If a CSV or Excel format is possible, I would greatly appreciate it.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador

show quoted sections

Social Welfare Department

Dear Mr/Ms Amador,


Access to Information

Re: Application No. 2129/2021


I refer to your email dated 2 July 2021, seeking access to the following
information regarding the humanitarian assistance to Non-refoulement
Claimants  (“the Programme”) administered and delivered by the Social
Welfare Department through the International Social Service- Hong Kong in
each of the years between 2010 and 2020 -


(a)          The number of users under the Programme; and

(b)         Of the users in (a) above, the number of individuals who
absconded or failed to comply with the conditions of the Programme.


2.           Subsequent to our interim reply to you on 5 July 2021, please
find our reply below.


Item (a) above


3.             The number of users who received humanitarian assistance to
Non-refoulement Claimants (“NRCs”) per financial year between 2010 and
2020 is tabulated below:


Financial Year No. of users
2010-11 5 825
2011-12 5 703
2012-13 4 675
2013-14 5 953
2014-15 8 594
2015-16 12 671
2016-17 13 738
2017-18 12 365
2018-19 10 842
2019-20 10 711
2020-21 12 194


Item (b) above


4.             Out of the number of individuals for item (a) above, the
Department does not have information on the number of individuals
absconded.  The Department only has the number of counts of users who
violated the terms and condition of E-tokens of food assistance under the
humanitarian assistance to NRCs since October 2017 as tabulated below:


Financial Year No. of counts of users who violated the terms
of conditions of E-tokens
2017-18 (since October 2017) 211
2018-19 1 074
2019-20 961
2020-21 1 348


5.             Please contact me at 2892 5628 if you have any enquiries.





Ms Jasie LAU

for Director of Social Welfare

-----Enquiry DAIO/SWDNET/SWD/HKSARG 撰寫:-----
收件人: Raquel Amador <[FOI #675 email]>
日期: 07/05/2021 12:10下午
主旨: 回覆: Re: Freedom of Information request - Data regarding the
Assistance to Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme

Dear Mr/Ms Amador,


Access to Information

Re: Application No. 2129/2021


                Thank you for your email of 2 July 2021.  Your application
is now under processing.  According to paragraph 1.16 of the Code on
Access to Information, our department will inform you of the latest
progress of the case separately on or before 22 July 2021.  In the
meantime, please contact me at 2892 5628 if you have any enquiry.





Ms Jasie LAU

for Director of Social Welfare

-----Raquel Amador <[FOI #675 email]> 撰寫:-----
收件人: FOI requests at Social Welfare Department <[Social Welfare Department request email]>
寄件人: Raquel Amador <[FOI #675 email]>
日期: 07/02/2021 06:39下午
主旨: Re: Freedom of Information request - Data regarding the Assistance
to Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme

Dear Social Welfare Department,

Thank you for your reply dated 2 July 2021. Please see below a copy of my
original request dated 7 June 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador
Dear Social Welfare Department,

I am writing to make a data access request about the Assistance to
Non-Refoulement Claimants Programme, administered and delivered by
International Social Services. May I know, in each of the years between

a) how many users did the Programme have?

b) of the number of individuals in a) how many individuals absconded or
failed to comply with the conditions of the programme?

If a CSV or Excel format is possible, I would greatly appreciate it.

Yours faithfully,

Raquel Amador

show quoted sections