Dear Department of Health,
I’m a little confused at why politicians and members of the Department of Health keep saying there is an ‘epidemic’. My understanding of this term is that it is ‘the appearance of a particular disease in a large number of people at the same time’. Could you please clarify what you deem as an epidemic?
Yours faithfully,
David Moore
I am out of the office until 08/12/2021.
For urgent matters, please contact Miss Jackie LAM, CO(Per)4 at 3107 2571 /
Note: This is an automated response to your message "Freedom of Information
request - Definition" sent on 16.11.2021 03:13:22 PM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
Dear David,
We have received your application for access to information dated 16
November 2021.
To facilitate us to process your request, would you please provide the
source of information, in which the Department of Health used "epidemic"?
Please let us have your clarifications by 26 November 2021. If we do not
hear from you by that date, we will be unable to process your request.
For enquiries, please contact me at 3107 2593. Thank you.
(Miss Cheyenne LEE)
for Director of Health