Legal Aid Taxation/Cost Reduction
Dear All registries and administrative offices of courts and tribunals for which the Judiciary Administrator has responsibility,
Where publicly funded costs are claimed by a legal representative as under a legal aid certificate in Civil Judicial Review matters, I understand that these costs are then reviewed by the Court; and, where relevant reduced accordingly to what is deemed reasonable/appropriate.
On this matter, and for the period of 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 ('the relevant period') I request the following information:
1. What was the total amount of costs claimed by legal representatives as before taxation/evaluation? (i.e. as a sum in HK $).
2. What was the total amount of all costs subsequently granted/awarded after taxation/evaluation? (HK$)
3. What is the total amount of all costs reduced by the Court following taxation/evaluation? (HK$)
4. What is the average amount (as a percentage) of reduction/s of costs as claimed, following evaluation/taxation by the Court? (as a %).
5. What is the average period of time taken between costs being claimed and the final determination of what costs are to be awarded (i.e. final taxation/evaluation - including any appeals etc.? ( in days/working days)); including:
(i) What was the shortest time taken?
(ii) What was the longest period taken? (Where both in days).
Where relevant please provide the above as final figures where resolved after any associated appeal on matters of costs has been finally resolved/determined.
Yours faithfully,
Isaac Shaffer
Dear Isaac Shaffer,
The Judiciary Administration received your application for
access to information on 24.7.2019. Your application is now under
processing. According to paragraph 1.16 of the Code on Access to
Information, we will inform you of the latest progress of the case
separately on or before 13.8.2019. In the meantime, please contact me at
2825 0346 if you have any enquiry.
Ms Josephine CHIU
for Judiciary Administrator
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