Non-refoulement claim denials

Scott Edmunds made this Freedom of Information request to Immigration Department

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Immigration Department did not have the information requested.

Dear Immigration Department,

Can I get data on how many requests to register a non-refoulement claim ("written significations") are denied each year since 2014? I.e. non-refoulement claims that are turned down "in-country" and at the airport before they are processed.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Edmunds

Immigration Department

本處檔號: L/M (35) in ImmD RALOS/6-20/3/C



Dear Mr Edmunds,


Thank you for your enquiry dated 4 June 2017.


There is no procedure to "register" a non-refoulement claim. The
Immigration Department does not maintain figures in relation to the number
of persons whose written signification(s) does not give a general
indication of his reasons for claiming non-refoulement protection in the
manner specified at s.37X(2) of Cap.115 and under Unified Screening


Best Regards,


Beatrice Yiu

for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist
at Hong Kong Immigration Department YouTube Channel. The concerned video
clips have Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English

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