Refugee crime statistics for Tsuen Wan District

Scott Edmunds made this Freedom of Information request to Hong Kong Police Force Tsuen Wan District

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Waiting for an internal review by Hong Kong Police Force Tsuen Wan District of their handling of this request.

Dear Hong Kong Police Force Tsuen Wan District,

Can you please provide data on arrest statistics of refugees (non-refoulement claimants). Specifically I would like the most complete yearly statistics of refugee arrests from your district for every full year you have data going back to 2005, plus your total arrest statistics from the same time period to put it into context. If you have a breakdown of prosecution and conviction rates that would be useful too. Plus if you have breakdowns on how many of the refugees were arrested for immigration offences, employment offences, and violent crimes, that will be helpful as well.

On top of total numbers, if you have the nationalities of the refugees arrested that information would be useful as well. I’m happy to take digital files if that’s easier, but please don’t send this information in tabular form in the email as I can’t view it. Attaching a PDF, or emailing other files to me (I can provide an email address ) would work best in this case.

Yours faithfully,

Scott Edmunds

Dear Hong Kong Police Force Tsuen Wan District,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Hong Kong Police Force Tsuen Wan District's handling of my FOI request 'Refugee crime statistics for Tsuen Wan District'.

I have not received a response in 5-6 weeks, which by law, under all circumstances, you should have responded by now.

Once again I would ask for arrest statistics of non-refoulement claiments (or if you don't have them Form 8 holders will suffice) for your district for every year since 2005. I would also like statistics for total arrests to put this into context. If you do not have this data I would like a specific reason why - i.e. these records were stolen, lost, etc.

Breakdowns of arrest type and nationality will also be useful if you have it too.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Scott Edmunds