Sneak shot statistic

Kylie made this Freedom of Information request to Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing,

I would like to acquire the number of sneak shot crime in the past 5 years, including numbers of reported cases, people arrested, victims, total number of illegal pictures/videos seized.

Also would like to know the numbers of case that fail to process, and the reasons.

Action(s) that police force has(ve) done to combat sneak shot.


Yours faithfully,


Hong Kong Police Force Crime Wing

Dear Kylie,

        Your request dated 2022-05-31 refers.  Please find the requested
information below for your perusal.

(1) Number of reported cases and persons arrested for clandestine taking
of indecent photos from 2017 to 7 Oct 2021 are as follows:

Year No. of No. of
 reported cases persons arrested
2017 285 249
2018 301 243
2019 321 263
2020 363 281
1 Jan 2021 to 7 Oct 2021 413 327

Note: The above figures involve offences including Loitering under Crimes
Ordinance (Cap. 200) Section 160, Disorder in Public Places under the
Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245) Section 17B, and Outraging Public
Decency under the common law.

(2) Number of reported cases and persons arrested for Voyeurism and
related offences from 8 Oct 2021 to 30 Apr 2022 are as follows:

 Year No. of No. of
reported cases persons arrested
8 Oct 2021 to 31 Dec 2021 134 90
1 Jan 2022 to 30 Apr 2022 156 118

Note: Figures of Voyeurism and related offences include Voyeurism,
Unlawful recording of intimate parts, Publication of images originating
from commission of the above offences, and Publication or threatened
publication of intimate images without consent.

2.        Police disseminate crime prevention messages on the offences of
voyeurism, clandestine photography, as well as publication of intimate
images without consent under Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 to educate
the public and raise their awareness on such crimes, whereas stringent
enforcement actions are taken against the concerned illegal acts.

3.        Police do not maintain other information requested.
4.        For enquiry, please contact me at 2860 8156.

Ms. Shirley HO
Crime Wing Access to Information Officer
for Commissioner of Police

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