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Statistics on Monthly Household Income Data of Hong Kong

Kelly made this Freedom of Information request to Census and Statistics Department

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Kelly to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Census and Statistics Department,

I would like to ask where I can get access to the Monthly Household Income data down to specifically large street block group (LSBGs) in 2006 and 2011 Census data.

Thank you!

Yours faithfully,

Census and Statistics Department

Dear Kelly,

I refer to your request for the statistics on monthly household income
data of Hong Kong under the Code on Access to Information on 10 February

Kindly note that the required statistics is not readily available.
 Instead, based on the results of the 2006 Population By-census and 2011
Population Census, the following 2 customised statistical tables can be
compiled for you at a charge.

Table 1 : Median monthly domestic household income by Large Street Block
Group, 2006

Table 2 : Median monthly domestic household income by Large Street Block
Group, 2011

The charge is set to cover all additional staff efforts, computer time and
material costs incurred in preparing the tables.  In order to safeguard
data confidentiality and to avoid individual person, household or quarters
can be identified, grouping of classification variable(s) may be adopted.
 Should you require the chargeable tabulation service, please inform
Demographic Statistics Section (2) of this department.  The contact
details are stated in the last paragraph of this email.  We will then send
you the quotation and other service details for your consideration.

A Large Street Block Group refers to a group of Street Blocks which had at
least 1 000 persons.  The Planning Department sub-divides each Tertiary
Planning Unit (TPU) into a number of Street Blocks (SB) for town planning
purpose.  In order to safeguard the confidentiality of data relating to
individual persons and households and for data precision concern, adjacent
SBs are grouped into Large Street Block Groups (LSBGs) by this department
for dissemination of population census/by-census results.  Besides, the
boundaries of TPU/SB may be different for each round of population

Should you have any questions about population census / by-census, please
feel free to contact Demographic Statistics Section (2) (Enquiry service:
(852) 3903 6944 ; Facsimile: (852) 2716 0231 ; E-mail:
[email address] ) direct.

With best regards,

John Mok
Statistical Officer (Statistical Information Services)1
Census and Statistics Department
Tel: (852) 2582 4733

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Kelly please sign in and let everyone know.