Catherine Hopkins
Joined in 2022
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This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 3)
Data on health statistics for pregnancy related losses and cerebral aneurysm
Response by Department of Health to Catherine Hopkins on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Catherine Hopkins,
Thank you for your email dated 30.6.2022. Our reply is given
below for your reference please.
1) Please su...
Dear Ms Catherine Hopkins,
Thank you for your email of 5 July 2022 requesting for access to
information on complaints relating to certain clinical s...
Data on live births, still births and neonatal deaths
Response by Department of Health to Catherine Hopkins on .
Partially successful.
Dear Catherine Hopkins,
Thank you for your email dated 27.6.2022. Our reply is given
below for your reference please.
a. Please su...
This person's annotations
None made.