Rachel Li
Joined accessinfo.hk in 2019
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This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 29) (page 2)
Dear Ms Li,
I refer to your email of 12 December 2019 requesting for provision of
information on the number of appeals/petitions ("appeals") handled...
Enforcement actions against employers of migrant domestic workers
Response by Labour Department to Rachel Li on .
Dear Ms. Li,
Attached please find our preceding reply in pdf format for your reference.
Yours sincerely,
(CHAN Nga-ting)
for Commissioner for...
Enforcement actions against employers of migrant domestic workers for violating the ImmD Ord
Response by Immigration Department to Rachel Li on .
Our ref. : IL/00810911/19
Our reference: L/M (2) in ImmD ORS/6-5/2(R) Pt.2
Dear Ms LI,
Thank you for your email on 5 December 2019.
Number of Summonses issued under EO and ECO
Follow up sent to Immigration Department by Rachel Li on .
Information not held.
Thank you very much for your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Rachel Li