Yijia ZHAO
Joined accessinfo.hk in 2021
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This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 2)
Image sharing of "e-Health Record Sharing System eHRSS"
Response by Food and Health Bureau to Yijia ZHAO on .
Partially successful.
Dear Yijia ZHAO,
Thank you for your email dated 30 September 2021 enquiring about the
Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth).
As of end-...
Another 5 questions about Image sharing of "e-Health Record Sharing System eHRSS"
Response by Food and Health Bureau to Yijia ZHAO on .
Partially successful.
Dear Yijia ZHAO,
Thank you for your email dated 30 September 2021 enquiring about the
Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth).
As of end-...
This person's annotations
None made.