This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 4)
GfK Geomarketing is part of GfK Group, a global market research company with headquarters in Germany. We offer the world’s largest selection of digi...
Shapefile for 2015 District Council Constituency Areas
Partially successful.
You can refer to this link:
Dear Li Zeng,
I refer to your request for gis shapefile data made under the Code on
Access to Information on 26 September 2017. Our reply is provid...
Shapefile for 2015 District Council Constituency Areas
Response by Registration and Electoral Office to Zeng on .
Dear Mr/Ms LI,
Futher to my email of 15.9.2017 (17:09). Please note that the password to
open the file is as below:
(Keith CHAN)
This person's annotations
None made.