ZHANG Luting
Joined accessinfo.hk in 2021
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This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
request for data and information about the “‘Salt/Sugar’ Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products” scheme
Response by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to ZHANG Luting on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear ZHANG Luting,
Thank you for your email enquiries to Food and Environmental
Hygiene Department dated 30 September 2021 at 15:10 and 15:12,...
Request for information about measures relevant to the “‘Salt/Sugar’ Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products” scheme
Response by Education Bureau to ZHANG Luting on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Luting,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 57/2021
I refer to your application under the Code on Access to Information
How to promote the “‘Salt/Sugar’ Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products” scheme in school to reduce the intake of salt among students
Response by Education Bureau to ZHANG Luting on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Luting,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 57/2021
I refer to your application under the Code on Access to Information
Health condition among Hong Kong People influenced by large intake of salt
Response by Department of Health to ZHANG Luting on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear ZHANG Luting,
In light of World Health Organization's call for development of
multi-sectoral action plan with clear targets in NCD prevention a...
Request for policies of procurement which support the salt reduction activity
Response by Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau Treasury Branch to ZHANG Luting on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Zhang Luting,
Thank you for your emails of 30 September and 4 October 2021.
The government procurement policy is to obtain goods and services...
How could the procurement policy promote “‘Salt/Sugar’ Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products” scheme
Request sent to Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau Treasury Branch by ZHANG Luting on .
Long overdue.
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Request for data and information about the “‘Salt/Sugar’ Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products” scheme
Request sent to Food and Environmental Hygiene Department by ZHANG Luting on .
Long overdue.
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Request for data and information about the “‘Salt/Sugar’ Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products” scheme
Request sent to Food and Environmental Hygiene Department by ZHANG Luting on .
Long overdue.
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
This person's annotations
None made.