

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department provides services to the public in connection with agriculture and fisheries, nature conservation and animal, plant and fisheries regulation.

Dear Frances, Referring to your request dated 9 January 2024, our reply is as follows: -        How many males are still in tact?         There ar...
Dear Frances, Referring to your request dated 4 January 2024, our reply is as follows: In 2023, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Departm...
Dear Frances, I refer to your email dated 20 December 2023.  Our substantive reply is as follows: - how much of your budget you are allocating to...
Dear Pili, Further to my interim reply to you on 20.1.2023, your requested information is as follow: Event Date of Event Date of first Location C...
Country Park .Shp File
漁農自然護理署已於回覆Jon Chung


Dear Jon, Please be advised that the boundaries of country parks in shapefile format only show the approximate boundaries interpreted from the origi...
The endangered species data
漁農自然護理署已於回覆Annie QIU


Dear Miss Qiu, The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international agreement which regul...
Zoning for agricultural land
漁農自然護理署已於回覆Scott Edmunds


Dear Scott, Further to my interim reply to you on 12.2.2018, I would like to provide the following information for your request: The Department do...
GMO Registry budget
漁農自然護理署已於回覆Scott Edmunds


Dear Sir, The Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance, Cap.607 (the Ordinance) controls the release into the environment and the...
