Dear Mr Edmunds,
The Dashboard is jointly developed by Development Bureau and Lands
Department using in-house resources, and a group of volunteers...
Quarantine exemption on humanitarian grounds for HK residents visiting Guangdong
政制及內地事務局已於回覆Simon Wang。
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. Thi...
Dear Mr Lee,
We refer to your request under the Code on Access to Information ("Code")
made on 13 October 2018 and provide the requested statistics...
Thank you for your reply.
Dear Gordon Yip,
Thank you for your mail dated 7 May 2016.
The subject falls out of our Bureau's purview. We have forwarded your
mail to the Cens...
Dear Sir,
We refer to your email dated 14 May 2015.
During the period from January 2012 to December 2014, a total of 241
requests for information...
僅顯示使用accessinfo.hk發出的請求。 ?