I would like to know the unit of the baselevel and rooflevel from the Building.gml. Is it meter as an unit?
Yours faithfully,
Ken Tang
Dear Ms Leung
As I do not hear from you by 26.1.2024 (Friday), I will assume that you do
not require LandsD's assistance in transferring your case t...
Dear CC,
I refer to your email dated 30 November 2023 requesting
for information of the location of MTR exits of all stations in all...
Dear Mr. Yau,
I refer to your email dated 20.10.2023 regarding the captioned
2. Please see the attached Simplified Temporar...
Dear David,
I refer to your email of 16/10/2023 in respect of the subject.
Further to our tele-conversation this morning, would you please note tha...
Dear Katy
Further to my email of 11.10.2023, I would advise that information for
majority of existing short term tenancies ("STTs") such as STT No,...
Dear Mr. CHENG,
Thank you for your application dated 2.8.2023 seeking access to
information relating to the terms, conditions and plans of Governmen...
Dear Sir / Madam,
I write further to my email of 21.7.2023.
It is noted the reference number "GLA-TTP 754" appeared in internal
documents. Howeve...
Dear Ms. Leung,
I refer to the email below (i.e. 13.7.2023). Your reply is pending. I
shall be grateful if you could advise whether hard copy or sof...
Code on Access to Information
Application No. Lands 102/23
Dear Sir / Madam,
Having considered your application under the Code on Access to
Dear Mr. Roberts,
I refer to your request for access to information on 21.3.2023 concerning
the "quota" for registration of learning centres on eit...
本署檔號:(38) in LD SMOMI/6-5/4, Lands 38/23
回覆: 全港地名記錄
2. 閣下可透過香港政府推出的「空間數據共...
Dear Rachel,
Please be advised that the requested document is ready to be obtained
subject to your settlement of the attached demand notes. You are...
Dear Ms. TSE
I refer to my preceding email enclosing a demand note for the photocopying
fee. In order to facilitate the processing of your request...
Dear YS Wong,
I refer to my email dated 17.3.2023. Enclosed with this email, please find
all the information you had requested.
Gavin C...
Our Ref: LD SD/GEN/147
Dear Ms. Tse
I refer to your email of 15.3.2023 (12:04).
2. You may submit a written request to the...
(公開資料守則參考編號:Lands 42/23)
謝謝 閣下於3月15日的電郵。
謝謝閣下的查詢。有關政府撥地名稱事宜 ,你可到地理資訊地圖
([1]https://www.map.gov.hk/gm/map/search/lot) 查閱相關資料。
Dear Mr. FONG,
I refer to our previous correspondence. It is noted that you have settled
the Demand Note on 14.2.2023. As per your request, the Engi...
Dear Mr. TANG,
Code on Access to Information
Application No.: Lands 15/23
Thank you for your application dated 31.1.2023 seeking access to...
File Ref.: (34) of File LD-SMO-MI/6-5/4
Dear N Cheung,
1. Thank you for your enquiry dated 6 Jan 2023 regarding the
request for the road ne...
Dear Ms. LEE
Code on Access to Information
Application No.: Lands 192/22
Thank you for your application dated 10 November 2022 seeking access to
Dear Sir/Madam,
I attached herewith our reply to your application dated 8 November 2022
for your retention.
If you have any enquiries, please cont...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. : Lands 181/22
Thank you for your application dated 26 October 2022 seeking...