

Dependent visa


Dear Jit, I was given to know that the case officer had contacted you regarding the captioned visa application. You are advised to seek the informat...
Driving privileges for asylum seekers and refugees


Dear Moazam, I refer to your request for access to information on 13 August 2022. Regarding the information on what kind of persons could drive on H...
Migrant domestic worker visas
入境事務處已於回覆Nina Guiljam


Dear Nina Guiljam,                   I refer to your reply through another email on 29 November 2022. As it is the duplicate request that you did n...
Dear Gigi Lo, I refer to your email of 11 June 2022.  Your requested information relate to the applications for legal aid and judicial review, which...
Report of coroner's findings from suicide case in MTKDC
入境事務處已於回覆H. Y. Fung


Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 30 September 2022. You may wish to note that your requested information is und...
Data on lengths of stay at TMCJH
入境事務處已於回覆H. Y. Fung


Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 18 July 2022.  Our reply is provided as below. The Immigration Department doe...
Our ref.: L/M (51) in ImmD BDM(S) 6-5/2/1/ Pt.139 Dear Mr. TONG, I refer to your access to information request submitted on 30-07-2022 regarding t...
Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 12 May 2022.  Further to our interim reply of 20 May 2022, please be informed t...
Flights arranged for repatriation by country
入境事務處已於回覆H. Y. Fung


Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 14 April 2022.  Further to our interim reply of 20 April 2022, our reply is pro...
Legislation governing treatment of detainees
入境事務處已於回覆H. Y. Fung


Our reference: ImmD/RM/6-5/10/2022/111(R) Dear H Y Fung, We refer to your application for access to information of 25 February 2022 relating to th...
Our Reference: L/M (3) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.5 Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your request for access to information on 18 March 2022 and our i...
Average length and single longest period of detention at CIC
入境事務處已於回覆Gigi Lo


Our Reference: L/M (2) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.6 Dear Gigi Lo, I refer to your request for access to information on 24 February 2022 and our inte...
Detainees put in protective custody at CIC
入境事務處已於回覆Gigi Lo


Our Reference: L/M (4) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.6 Dear Gigi Lo, I refer to your clarified request for access to information on 3 March 2022 and ou...
Dear Raquel Amador, I refer to your request for access to information on 14 February 2022 and clarification on 23 February 2022.  Further to our inte...
Detention reviews at CIC
入境事務處已於回覆Surabhi Chopra


Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 4 February 2022.  Further to our interim reply of 9 February 2022, our repl...
Strip searches at TTGCI
入境事務處已於回覆Raquel Amador


Dear Ms. Raquel Amador, Further to our interim reply of 17.12.2021, a substantive reply to your request for information is as follows. 2.        Pur...
Our Reference: L/M (554) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear Gigi Lo, I refer to your request for access to information on 17.12.2021 and our interim reply to...
Our Reference: L/M (4) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.3 Dear Gigi Lo, I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to Information on...
Data on religions of detainees at MTKDC
入境事務處已於回覆H. Y. Fung


Our Reference: L/M (555) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear H.Y. Fung I refer to your request for access to information on 17.12.2021 and our interim reply t...
Data on religions of detainees at CIC
入境事務處已於回覆H. Y. Fung


Our Reference: L/M (6) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.3 Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 17 December 2021 and our i...
Detention reviews at MTKDC
入境事務處已於回覆Surabhi Chopra


Our Reference: L/M (558) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 22 December 2021 and our int...
Data on reasons of detention at MTKDC
入境事務處已於回覆Surabhi Chopra


Our Reference: L/M (556) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 20.12.2021 and our interim r...
Data on reasons of detention at CIC
入境事務處已於回覆Surabhi Chopra


Our Reference: L/M (7) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.3 Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 20 December 2021 and o...
Our Reference: L/M (6) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.2 Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 1 December 2021 and ou...
Our Reference: L/M (537) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear Surabhi Chopra, I refer to your request for access to information on 13.10.2021 and our interim...
