A chart showing 83.57% of requests have been categorised
242 request left to categorise / 1,473 total

Top recent players


1. Jack Lau 41項要求
2. Kelvin Lee 28項要求
3. Guy Freeman 12項要求
4. A. Cheung 12項要求
5. Patrick Chan 10項要求
6. Ken Lee 8項要求
7. Preston Cheung 6項要求
8. cty 5項要求
9. Scott Edmunds 3項要求
10. stranbusel 2項要求



Enquiries on the community engagement efforts
Yang Zirui要求香港電台披露資料


Hi! This is Zirui Yang, a student at Hong Kong Baptist University Journalism department. I am working with Dr Simon Wang to investigate the communi...
Statistics of Deaths of Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong


Please can you inform me as to the following statistics of individuals on a migrant domestic worker visa in the last 10 years. - Sector of Work -...
Andy Chui要求衞生署披露資料


衞生署: 你好,請問你們是否可以提供從2021年新冠疫苗開打至2023年11月30日【接種新冠疫苗異常事件網上呈報】的數據給我?下列是我想知道的資料,希望你們可以以Excel Raw Data 提供數據給我。謝謝 Age of Year Sex Vaccine Brand Name Do...

Thanks for helping - your work will make it easier for everyone to find successful responses, and maybe even let us make league tables...