Cancellation fo teacher registration

WY CHAN根據公開資料要求教育局披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Education Bureau,

I refer to my earlier application (no. 75/2020) and would like to make follow-up enquiry.

In the past 10 years (2010 to
2019), the EDB handled a total of 585 cases relating to the suspected
professional misconduct of teachers, of which the registration of 72
teachers were cancelled. Please provide descriptions on the nature AND seriousness of the misconduct / incompetence of the 72 teachers leading to cancellation of their teacher registration, say, teaching inaccurate information to students and withholding teaching materials from the school.

I would like to reiterate that I do not need to know the name of the schools and the teachers concerned so there should be no privacy concern. I also do not need you to provide a copy of relevant documents. Just the aforesaid descriptions will do. Thanks.

Yours faithfully,


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Education Bureau
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港特別行政區  教育局謹覆

Dear WY Chan,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 75/2020
        I refer to your follow-up enquiry under the Code on Access to
Information (the Code) received on 7 November 2020.

        Your application is now under processing.  According to paragraph
1.16 of the Code, our bureau will inform you of the latest progress of the
case separately on or before 27 November 2020.  In the meantime, please
contact me at 2892 6121 if you have any enquiry.  Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Suki CHEUK
for Secretary for Education


From:        WY CHAN <[FOI #525 email]>
To:        FOI requests at Education Bureau <[Education Bureau request email]>
Date:        07/11/20 22:02
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Cancellation fo teacher


Dear Education Bureau,

I refer to my earlier application (no. 75/2020) and would like to make
follow-up enquiry.

In the past 10 years (2010 to
2019), the EDB handled a total of 585 cases relating to the suspected
professional misconduct of teachers, of which the registration of 72
teachers were cancelled.  Please provide descriptions on the nature AND
seriousness of  the misconduct / incompetence of the 72 teachers leading
to cancellation of their teacher registration, say, teaching inaccurate
information to students and withholding teaching materials from the

I would like to reiterate that I do not need to know the name of the
schools and the teachers concerned so there should be no privacy concern.
 I also do not need you to provide a copy of relevant documents. Just the
aforesaid descriptions will do. Thanks.

Yours faithfully,



This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
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Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #525 email]

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Dear WY Chan,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 75/2020
I refer to your follow-up enquiry under the Code on Access to Information
received on 7 November 2020.

All along, the Education Bureau (EDB) has been handling cases involving
registered teachers committing malpractice or professional misconduct with
a serious attitude and strict standards.  When reviewing a teacher’s
registration status, the EDB mainly considers the severity of the
misconduct or malpractice committed by the teacher, such as whether it
involves offences of a sexual nature, the impact or possible impact of his
words and deeds on students’ safety and well-being, etc.  For cases of
serious nature, the teacher’s registration may be cancelled.

        In the past 10 years (2010 to 2019), 72 teachers had their
registration cancelled by the EDB.  They were mainly involved in having
committed a sexual or sex-related offence, a fraud-related offence or some
minor but repeated offences (e.g. operating an unregistered school), or
having serious integrity problem (e.g. cheating in the Territory-wide
System Assessment), etc.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Suki CHEUK
for Secretary for Education


From:        Suki SK CHEUK/EDB/HKSARG
To:        WY CHAN <[FOI #525 email]>
Date:        2020/11/16 下午 06:07
Subject:        Code on Access to Information (Case No: 75/2020) -
Follow-up enquiry


Dear WY Chan,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 75/2020
        I refer to your follow-up enquiry under the Code on Access to
Information (the Code) received on 7 November 2020.

        Your application is now under processing.  According to paragraph
1.16 of the Code, our bureau will inform you of the latest progress of the
case separately on or before 27 November 2020.  In the meantime, please
contact me at 2892 6121 if you have any enquiry.  Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Suki CHEUK
for Secretary for Education


From:        WY CHAN <[FOI #525 email]>
To:        FOI requests at Education Bureau <[Education Bureau request email]>
Date:        07/11/20 22:02
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Cancellation fo teacher


Dear Education Bureau,

I refer to my earlier application (no. 75/2020) and would like to make
follow-up enquiry.

In the past 10 years (2010 to
2019), the EDB handled a total of 585 cases relating to the suspected
professional misconduct of teachers, of which the registration of 72
teachers were cancelled.  Please provide descriptions on the nature AND
seriousness of  the misconduct / incompetence of the 72 teachers leading
to cancellation of their teacher registration, say, teaching inaccurate
information to students and withholding teaching materials from the

I would like to reiterate that I do not need to know the name of the
schools and the teachers concerned so there should be no privacy concern.
 I also do not need you to provide a copy of relevant documents. Just the
aforesaid descriptions will do. Thanks.

Yours faithfully,



This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #525 email]

Is [Education Bureau request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Education Bureau? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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