Child Sexual Abuse Cases Statistics 2021

Taura Edgar根據公開資料要求社會福利署披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Social Welfare Department,

Thank you for your previous assistance with CSA statistics for 2010-2020. Now that the 2021 CPR report is out, can you please help us to fill in the same data for 2021?

Number of Child Protection Case (CPC) by Type of Sexual Abuse# - Type of Sexual Abuse:
- Incest
- Sexual intercourse with relatives
- Sexual intercourse with non-relatives
- Other [we strongly encourage you to provide more detailed breakdown since the "other" category is usually the largest by far and therefore the meaning is not that useful]

Number of Sexual Abuse Case by Nature of the Incident
- harm/maltreatment to a child
- having a high risk of harm/maltreatment in future
- not ascertained as a harm/maltreatment to a child who was also not considered of having a high risk of harm/maltreatment in future

Taura Edgar



Dear Mr/Ms Taura Edgar,


Access to Information

Re: Application No. 4055/2021


               I refer to your email of 7 May 2022 on the following


(1)   Number of Child Protection Case (CPC) by Type of Sexual Abuse# -
Type of Sexual Abuse:
- Incest
- Sexual intercourse with relatives
- Sexual intercourse with non-relatives
- Other [you strongly encourage us to provide more detailed breakdown
since the "other" category is usually the largest by far and therefore the
meaning is not that useful]

(2)   Number of Sexual Abuse Case by Nature of the Incident
- harm/maltreatment to a child
- having a high risk of harm/maltreatment in future
- not ascertained as a harm/maltreatment to a child who was also not
considered of having a high risk of harm/maltreatment in future


Items (1) and (2) above

2.           Please refer to the attachment.


3.           Please contact me at 2892 5628 if you have any enquiries.



(Ms Heather CHAN)

for Director of Social Welfare

-----Taura Edgar <[FOI #1080 email]> 撰寫:-----
收件人: FOI requests at Social Welfare Department <[Social Welfare Department request email]>
寄件人: Taura Edgar <[FOI #1080 email]>
日期: 05/07/2022 03:00下午
主旨: Freedom of Information request - Child Sexual Abuse Cases Statistics

Dear Social Welfare Department,

Thank you for your previous assistance with CSA statistics for 2010-2020.
 Now that the 2021 CPR report is out, can you please help us to fill in
the same data for 2021?  

Number of Child Protection Case (CPC) by Type of Sexual Abuse# - Type of
Sexual Abuse:
- Incest
- Sexual intercourse with relatives
- Sexual intercourse with non-relatives
- Other [we strongly encourage you to provide more detailed breakdown
since the "other" category is usually the largest by far and therefore the
meaning is not that useful]

Number of Sexual Abuse Case by Nature of the Incident
- harm/maltreatment to a child
- having a high risk of harm/maltreatment in future
- not ascertained as a harm/maltreatment to a child who was also not
considered of having a high risk of harm/maltreatment in future

Taura Edgar


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Dear Social Welfare Department,

Many thanks for your reply. While you did not break down the largest category "other" we do find what you provided useful.


Taura Edgar