Colour of the regional flag and emblem

Ken Lee根據公開資料要求政務司司長及財政司司長辦公室披露資料

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Dear Sir/Madam,

Can you provide the standard colour code of the red colour of the regional flag and emblem of the HKSAR used on the internet?

Yours faithfully,

Ken Lee


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Dear Mr Lee,
I am writing to acknowledge the receipt of your email of 29 March 2021.
 We shall reply once available.  Thank you.  

Yours sincerely,

(Hayden K H CHOI)
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Dear Mr Lee,

Thank you for your email of 29 March 2021.  

Schedules 1 and 2 of the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance,
which are available in the following link, set out the specifications of
the regional flag and the regional emblem of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.  

It is mentioned in the specifications that the regional flag is in red,
the chrominance value of which is identical with that of the national flag
of the People’s Republic of China.  It is also mentioned in the
specifications that the chrominance value of the red colour of the
regional emblem is identical with that of the national emblem of the
People's Republic of China.  When a commonly acceptable colour reference
is unavailable, PMS 185 is a good colour reference for the red colour of
the regional flag and emblem.  

Hope you will find the above information useful.  

Ms Katherine Yip
(for Director of Administration)


From:        Hayden KH CHOI/CSO/HKSARG
To:        Ken Lee <[FOI #597 email]>
Cc:        Admin Wing Enquiry/CSO/HKSARG@CSO
Date:        03/04/2021 11:23
Subject:        Re: Freedom of Information request - Colour of the
regional flag and emblem


Dear Sir/Madam,

Can you provide the standard colour code of the red colour of the regional
flag and emblem of the HKSAR used on the internet?

Yours faithfully,

Ken Lee


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