Consultation on the Universal Periodic Review

Annie Li根據公開資料要求政制及內地事務局披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau,

I am writing to make an information request relating to your Bureau’s Public Consultation on the Outline of the Third Report of the HKSAR for the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (‘Consultation’). I would like to have:

(i) the list of bureaux and departments that submissions made by the public in response to the Consultation were forwarded to and the date(s) on which the submissions were forwarded to them;

(ii) the time frame for these bureaux and departments to respond to your Bureau regarding the submissions made by the public in response to the Consultation; and

(iii) the list of bureaux and departments that responded to your Bureau regarding the submissions made by the public in response to the Consultation and the number of such responses each of these bureaux and departments made as of today.

Annie Li
Research and Policy Officer
Justice Centre Hong Kong


Dear Ms LI,

Thank you for your email of 1 August.  We are looking into the matter and
will give you a reply in due course.

(Amanda LI)
for Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs


Dear Ms Li,

I refer to your information request under the Code on Access to
Information of 1 August.

On item (i), submissions made by the public in response to the outline of
the third report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the
United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) were
forwarded to the bureaux and departments (B/Ds) concerned as soon as they
were received.  The relevant B/Ds include:

Chief Secretary for Administration's Private Office
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
Education Bureau
Environment Bureau
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
Food and Health Bureau
Home Affairs Bureau
Department of Justice
Labour and Welfare Bureau
Labour Department
Security Bureau
Transport and Housing Bureau

However, we have not compiled a list of dates on which the submissions
were forwarded to them.  Please note that the B/Ds concerned might
subsequently forward the submissions to other responsible B/Ds or public
authorities as appropriate.

On items (ii) and (iii), please note that relevant B/Ds would take into
account the views received during the consultation exercise in
contributing to the HKSAR section of the UPR report.  We have not compiled
the time frame and number of responses each of these B/Ds made.

(Jason HUNG)
for Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs

Dear Mr Hung,

Thank you for your reply.

I would like to know whether any bureaux or departments that did not receive the submissions directly from the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB) eventually responded to the CMAB. If so, which bureaux and/or departments and the number of responses received by the CMAB from these bureaux and/or departments.

I would also like to know the total number of responses the CMAB received from all bureaux and departments to submissions made by the public for the UPR consultation.

I am also wondering if you can provide the dates on which CMAB forwarded the submissions made by the public to the bureaux or departments listed in your reply, for example the dates of the emails with which the submissions were forwarded.

Annie Li
Research and Policy Officer
Justice Centre Hong Kong


Dear Ms LI,

Thank you for your email of 22 August.  We are looking into the matter and
will give you a reply in due course.

(Amanda LI)
for Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs


Dear Ms LI,

Thank you for your email of 22 August.  

There is clear delineation of responsibilities among bureaux and
departments (B/Ds) within the Government.  During the public consultation
of the HKSAR Section of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Report, the
Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB) had forwarded the
submissions so received to relevant B/Ds as soon as practicable.  Such
B/Ds might forward the submissions to relevant departments and other
public authorities for consideration as appropriate.  B/Ds are expected to
have studied and considered the submissions under their policy purview
when providing contributions and inputs to the UPR Report.  

We have taken into account the views received during the consultation
period in preparing the HKSAR Section of the UPR Report.  Inputs from
relevant B/Ds have been duly incorporated.

The dates on which CMAB forwarded the submissions made by the public to
B/Ds listed in our reply of 21 August are provided below -

Offices Dates
Chief Secretary for Administration's Private 25 April
Education Bureau 12, 25 April, 7, 8 May
Food and Health Bureau 12, 25 April, 7, 8, 10 May
Department of Justice 12, 25 April, 14 May
Labour and Welfare Bureau 12, 25 April, 10, 18 May
Labour Department 12, 25 April
Security Bureau 12, 25 April, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8,
10, 18 May
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau 12 April
Environment Bureau 12 April, 10 May
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau 25 April
Home Affairs Bureau 12 April
Transport and Housing Bureau 12 April, 3, 10, 18 May

(Amanda LI)
for Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs

Dear Amanda,

Thank you for your reply.
