Country/Area Profiles developed by the HKCAAVQ


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Dear Education Bureau (EDB),

I would like to enquire for the following information about Qualifications Assessment (QA) conducted by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).

(I) According to the Annual Reports 2012–2013 (p.38) and 2013–2014 (p.37) of the HKCAAVQ, the HKCAAVQ "will develop country profiles as the central components of the new qualifications assessment model."

1. May I know whether this implies that there will be a mapping between the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) and similar qualifications frameworks in other countries in the near future?

2. What is the list of countries/areas for which the Country/Area Profiles have already been developed?

3. What is the list of countries/areas for which the Country/Area Profiles will be developed?

4. May I also request the EDB/HKCAAVQ to disclose the completed Country/Area Profile(s)?

(II) I would also like to request the following information about the individual QA conducted by the HKCAAVQ on qualifications awarded by institutions from the following five countries: (a) India, (b) Pakistan, (c) France, (d) Philippines, and (e) South Africa.

1. The number of applications for individual Qualifications Assessments.
2. The number and percentage (i.e. the successful rate) of applications in which the assessed cases with outcomes that are considered comparable to the level of their counterparts in Hong Kong.
3. The number of applications for Review of the decisions made by the HKCAAVQ.
4. The number of successful Reviews in which the assessed level of the applicant’s qualification has been upgraded.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir / Madam,
Code on Access to Information
(Application No. 046/15)

        This email refers to your application under the Code on Access to
Information dated 31 August 2015.

        Please note that the case is being handled and we are unable to
provide you with the information sought at this stage.  Pursuant to
paragraph 1.16 of the Code, you will be advised further in relation to
your request on or before 20 September 2015.
Yours faithfully,    

(Thomas T.O. CHAN)      
for Secretary for Education

From: nuageamk <[FOI #31 email]>
To: FOI requests at Education Bureau <[Education Bureau request email]>
Date: 31/08/2015 06:32
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Country/Area Profiles developed
by the HKCAAVQ


Dear Education Bureau (EDB),

I would like to enquire for the following information about Qualifications
Assessment (QA) conducted by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of
Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).

(I) According to the Annual Reports 2012–2013 (p.38) and 2013–2014 (p.37)
of the HKCAAVQ, the HKCAAVQ "will develop country profiles as the central
components of the new qualifications assessment model."

1. May I know whether this implies that there will be a mapping between
the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) and similar qualifications
frameworks in other countries in the near future?

2. What is the list of countries/areas for which the Country/Area Profiles
have already been developed?

3. What is the list of countries/areas for which the Country/Area Profiles
will be developed?

4. May I also request the EDB/HKCAAVQ to disclose the completed
Country/Area Profile(s)?

(II) I would also like to request the following information about the
individual QA conducted by the HKCAAVQ on qualifications awarded by
institutions from the following five countries: (a) India, (b) Pakistan,
(c) France, (d) Philippines, and (e) South Africa.

1. The number of applications for individual Qualifications Assessments.
2. The number and percentage (i.e. the successful rate) of applications in
which the assessed cases with outcomes that are considered comparable to
the level of their counterparts in Hong Kong.
3. The number of applications for Review of the decisions made by the
4. The number of successful Reviews in which the assessed level of the
applicant’s qualification has been upgraded.

Yours faithfully,


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #31 email]

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Dear Sir / Madam,

Code on Access to Information
(Application No. 046/15)

        I refer to your application under the Code on Access to
Information dated 31 August 2015 and provide the information required in
consultation with the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and
Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).

2.        To facilitate the determination of assessment outcomes, the
HKCAAVQ is developing country/region profiles as the central components of
the new qualifications assessment model.  These profiles will include
information on a country’s education systems/qualifications and assessment
guidelines.  In developing a country/region profile, the HKCAAVQ will make
reference to national/regional qualifications frameworks (if any) in that
country/region.  The HKCAAVQ is now developing the country/region profiles
in two batches: Australia, Mainland China and the United Kingdom in the
initial batch and then Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Taiwan and the
United States of America in the second batch.  The development of the
eight country/region profiles is expected to conclude by the end of 2015
and it will enhance the efficiency and quality of the HKCAAVQ’s
Qualifications Assessment (QA) services.  To keep the stakeholders
up-to-date, the latest news/information on QA and the assessment of
qualifications will be published on the HKCAAVQ’s website.

3.        Separately, on the mapping of the Hong Kong Qualifications
Framework (HKQF) with other overseas Qualifications Framework (QF) that
you mentioned, the Education Bureau in fact commenced a comparability
study of HKQF and the European QF in November 2014 with the European
Commission, which is expected to be completed in early 2016.  The purpose
of the study is to provide a translation device to understand the
corresponding levels of qualifications between the HKQF and the EQF.  For
details, you may refer to the HKQF website at -

4.        Regarding item (2) stated in your email, the information
requested is provided in the attached Annex.

5.        It is noteworthy that the qualifications assessment services
provided by the HKCAAVQ assess the educational qualifications of
individual applicants and not the quality of individual institutions, and
as such the figures in the attachment may contain multiple applications
for assessment of different qualifications by the same individual as well
as applications for assessment of qualifications awarded before the year
that assessment was conducted.

Yours faithfully,    

(Thomas T.O. CHAN)      
for Secretary for Education

To: nuageamk <[FOI #31 email]>
Cc: [ contact email]
Date: 08/09/2015 09:54
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - Country/Area Profiles
developed by the HKCAAVQ


Dear Sir / Madam,
Code on Access to Information
(Application No. 046/15)

        This email refers to your application under the Code on Access to
Information dated 31 August 2015.

        Please note that the case is being handled and we are unable to
provide you with the information sought at this stage.  Pursuant to
paragraph 1.16 of the Code, you will be advised further in relation to
your request on or before 20 September 2015.
Yours faithfully,    

(Thomas T.O. CHAN)      
for Secretary for Education

From: nuageamk <[FOI #31 email]>
To: FOI requests at Education Bureau <[Education Bureau request email]>
Date: 31/08/2015 06:32
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Country/Area Profiles developed
by the HKCAAVQ


Dear Education Bureau (EDB),

I would like to enquire for the following information about Qualifications
Assessment (QA) conducted by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of
Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).

(I) According to the Annual Reports 2012–2013 (p.38) and 2013–2014 (p.37)
of the HKCAAVQ, the HKCAAVQ "will develop country profiles as the central
components of the new qualifications assessment model."

1. May I know whether this implies that there will be a mapping between
the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) and similar qualifications
frameworks in other countries in the near future?

2. What is the list of countries/areas for which the Country/Area Profiles
have already been developed?

3. What is the list of countries/areas for which the Country/Area Profiles
will be developed?

4. May I also request the EDB/HKCAAVQ to disclose the completed
Country/Area Profile(s)?

(II) I would also like to request the following information about the
individual QA conducted by the HKCAAVQ on qualifications awarded by
institutions from the following five countries: (a) India, (b) Pakistan,
(c) France, (d) Philippines, and (e) South Africa.

1. The number of applications for individual Qualifications Assessments.
2. The number and percentage (i.e. the successful rate) of applications in
which the assessed cases with outcomes that are considered comparable to
the level of their counterparts in Hong Kong.
3. The number of applications for Review of the decisions made by the
4. The number of successful Reviews in which the assessed level of the
applicant’s qualification has been upgraded.

Yours faithfully,


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #31 email]

Is [Education Bureau request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to Education Bureau? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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