Data request about suicide cases in Hong Kong

Paulus Choy根據公開資料要求司法機構政務長轄下所有法院與審裁處的登記處及行政辦事處披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Dear Judiciary,

I would like to request for data from the Coroner's Court, about the suicide cases that occurred in 2016, 2017 and 2018, in the following aspects:

- Number of suicide cases that possess recognizance papers
- A breakdown of the nationality, gender and age of such cases

Thank you for your attention on the matter,

Yours faithfully,

Paulus Choy
Research and Policy Advocacy Volunteer
Justice Centre Hong Kong



Dear Paulus Choy,
         I acknowledge receipt of your request dated 20.8.2018.  We will
give you a reply in due course.


Ms Josephine CHIU
for Judiciary Administrator
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Dear Paulus Choy,
                I refer to your access request dated 20.8.2018 and would
like to inform you that more time is required by us to retrieve the
requested information.  We shall revert to you as soon as possible.


Ms Josephine CHIU
for Judiciary Administrator
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Dear Paulus Choy,
                I refer to your access request dated 20.8.2018.  Please
note that we do not maintain the data requested.  


Ms Josephine CHIU
for Judiciary Administrator
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