Details of Average Prices and Prices Ranges of Fresh Food Items From 2000-2017

Jennie Tang根據公開資料要求政府統計處披露資料

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Dear Census and Statistics Department,

I would like to access your statistics on the details of Average Prices and Prices Ranges of selected Food Items (From 2000-2017) which publish on the Monthly Report on the Consumer Price Index. In the Monthly Report, the statistics just shows Average Prices and Prices of the whole HK, and I want to know how you came out with the statistics (e.g. statistics of Prices of selected food from each district or each wet market, or any data that you use to make that statistics).

In addition, I would like to have a CSV or Excel file of the Average Prices and Prices Ranges of selected Food Items from 2000-2017, it is hard to use the statistics in PDF format.

Thank you. Looking forward to have your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Jennie Tang



Dear Jennie,

        I refer to your request for the average prices and prices ranges
of selected food items as well as their compilation method made under the
Code on Access to Information on 16 October 2017.  Our reply is provided

2.        A Monthly Retail Price Survey is conducted by the Census and
Statistics Department (C&SD) to gather information on prices of
pre-selected items from different types of retail outlets (e.g.
supermarkets, market stalls, department stores and fashion shops) and
service providers (e.g. cinemas, hospitals, tour companies and beauty
salons) throughout the territory for compiling the Consumer Price Index
(CPI) which measures the changes over time in the price level of consumer
commodities and services generally purchased by households.  Price data
are collected mainly by field visits, supplemented by telephone and postal
enquiries.  On average, about 10 000 visits and 1 000 telephone calls are
made to some 4 000 retail outlets and service providers each month to
collect about 47 000 price quotations.

3.        Regarding the average retail prices and price ranges of selected
food items, data for the current month, preceding month and same month in
preceding year are made available in the Monthly Report on the Consumer
Price Index from the website of the C&SD ([1]
 Meanwhile, the annual average retail prices for the recent 6 years and 10
years ago are also published in the Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics
from the website of the C&SD ([2]
 An Excel file containing the annual average retail prices from 2000 to
2016 is attached for reference.  As for the annual price ranges as well as
the monthly average retail prices and price ranges, the required
information in CSV or Excel file are not readily available.  However, we
can provide them for you at a charge which is set to cover all additional
staff efforts, computer time and material costs incurred in preparing the
tailor-made statistical table.  You may send the detailed requirements by
email to the Consumer Price Index Section of the C&SD (Email:
[email address]) and we will send you the quotation and other service
details for consideration.

4.          Should you need further assistance, please contact the
Consumer Price Index Section of the C&SD (Tel: 3903 7374 or email:
[email address]).

With best regards,

Patrick Lam
Statistician (Statistical Information Services)1
Census and Statistics Department
Tel: 2582 4731

From:        Jennie Tang <[FOI #219 email]>
To:        FOI requests at Census and Statistics Department
<[Census and Statistics Department request email]>
Date:        16/10/2017 12:59
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Details of Average Prices
and Prices Ranges of Fresh Food Items From 2000-2017


Dear Census and Statistics Department,

I would like to access your statistics on the details of Average Prices
and Prices Ranges of selected Food Items (From 2000-2017) which publish on
the Monthly Report on the Consumer Price Index. In the Monthly Report, the
statistics just shows Average Prices and Prices of the whole HK, and I
want to know how you came out with the statistics (e.g. statistics of
Prices of selected food from each district or each wet market, or any data
that you use to make that statistics).

In addition, I would like to have a CSV or Excel file of the Average
Prices and Prices Ranges of selected Food Items from 2000-2017, it is hard
to use the statistics in PDF format.

Thank you. Looking forward to have your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Jennie Tang


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