Electrical Pole maintenance log / failure rates

Wendy Chen根據公開資料要求機電工程署披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Electrical and Mechanical Services Department,

We are looking for historic records of electricity pole maintenance in Hong Kong, in addition to time of failure and cause of failure.

Utility pole failure rates can usually be determined by modeling 3rd party factors. We are looking at predicting failures for an academic study

Please advise how we can get this data

Yours faithfully,

Wendy Chen


Dear Ms. Chen,

        Thank you for your request dated 14.5.2015 for seeking access to
information relating to the historic records of electricity pole
maintenance in Hong Kong.

        I regret to inform you after a thorough search of our records, we
have not been able to identify the information you requested.  I am
therefore satisfied that this department is not in possession of any
record containing such information.  You may consider requesting the
relevant electricity supplier(s) for providing such information if
required .

        If we can be of any assistance in the provision of other
information in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Yours sincerely,

for Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services
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