FOI Request for:The MoU on jointly promoting the development of standards in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA Standards)

Mel Chen根據公開資料要求工業貿易署披露資料

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Dear Trade and Industry Department,

I noticed your department has recently made solid progress regarding fulfilling the KPIs of CE's Policy Address on Integration into National Development under the GBA initiative. Among all achievements, an MoU was signed with the GD government to roll out GBA standard.

In order to support my academic research on rule harmonization, I would like to request a full copy of "The MoU on jointly promoting the development of standards in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA Standards)".


Yours faithfully,

Mel Chen


(Note: This interim reply is generated automatically by our email system.)
Thank you for your email.  We will reply to the matters raised as soon as
possible.  For general enquiries, a substantive reply will be given within
10 clear calendar days as far as possible.  Regarding suggestions and
complaints, a substantive reply will be given within 30 calendar days as
far as possible.  For complicated cases requiring longer processing time,
we would keep you informed of the progress.
Departmental Customer Service Manager
Trade and Industry Department


Dear Mel,

        Thank you for your request.

2.        The Trade and Industry Department, the Guangdong Administration
for Market Regulation and the Economic and Technological Development
Bureau of the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region signed
a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on jointly promoting the development
of standards in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA
Standards) in Shenzhen on April 24, 2023 with a view to strengthening the
development of GBA Standards..

3.         The MOU is an internal document of the three signing parties,
which mainly establishes a communication and cooperation mechanism for
implementing the "Guide on Promoting the Development of Guangdong-Hong
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Standards (Trial)".  The Guangdong side does
not intend to publicise the MOU, and we will follow the arrangement
accordingly.  For information about the GBA Standards, please visit the
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Standard Information Public
Service Platform ([1], which is a dedicated website
managed by the GBA Standardization Research Center.
Contacts of Relevant Mainland Authorities

4.      Contact details of relevant Mainland authorities are set out

The Standardization Research Center for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
Greater Bay Area
Website        : [2]
Tel                : +86-020-84253809, +86-020-84236863
Email              : [email address]
Address        : Guangdong Institute of Standardization, No 563 Nantian
Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China (postal code: 510220)

The Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation
Website        : [3]
Tel                : +86-020-38835114
Address        : No 363 West of Huangpu Ave.,Tianhe District, Guangzhou,
China (postal code: 510620)

5.      I hope the above information is of use to you.

Note: While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the above
information, the Trade and Industry Department cannot guarantee this to be
so and will not be held liable for any reliance placed on the same.

Trade and Industry Department

From:        "Mel Chen" <[FOI #1477 email]>  
To:        "FOI requests at Trade and Industry Department"
<[Trade and Industry Department request email]>
Date:        27/12/2023 05:03 pm
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - FOI Request for:The MoU
on jointly promoting the development of standards in the Guangdong-Hong
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA Standards)


Dear Trade and Industry Department,

I noticed your department has recently made solid progress regarding
fulfilling the KPIs of CE's Policy Address on Integration into National
Development under the GBA initiative. Among all achievements, an MoU was
signed with the GD government to roll out GBA standard.

In order to support my academic research on rule harmonization, I would
like to request a full copy of "The MoU on jointly promoting the
development of standards in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
(GBA Standards)".


Yours faithfully,

Mel Chen


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1. file:///tmp/