Hostel Development Fund (HDF)

C.C. Kan根據公開資料要求大學教育資助委員會秘書處披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The authority would like to / has responded by postal mail to this request.

Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the Hostel Development Fund (HDF) as established by Finance Committee resolution FCR(2018-19)35.

I wish to request a copy of:

(i) the Master Hostel Development Plans submitted by the six UGC-funded universities with student hostel shortfalls to the Government in February 2018, and

(ii) the service agreement signed between individual universities concerned and the UGC Secretariat under the HDF.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan

Lily CY LAU, 大學教育資助委員會秘書處

I am out of the office until 03/11/2018.

Note: This is an automated response to your message "Freedom of Information
request - Hostel Development Fund (HDF)" sent on 02.11.2018 01:15:15.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are still processing your request for
information under the Code on Access to Information.  A substantive reply
will be made as soon as possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>,
Date:        02/11/2018 01:15
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Hostel Development Fund


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the Hostel Development Fund (HDF) as established by Finance
Committee resolution FCR(2018-19)35.

I wish to request a copy of:

(i) the Master Hostel Development Plans submitted by the six UGC-funded
universities with student hostel shortfalls to the Government in February
2018, and

(ii) the service agreement signed between individual universities
concerned and the UGC Secretariat under the HDF.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #323 email]

Is [University Grants Committee Secretariat request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to University Grants Committee Secretariat? If so, please contact us using
this form:

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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

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Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are still processing your request for
information under the Code on Access to Information.  We will provide the
substantive reply to you as soon as possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        UGC Enquiry/UGC/HKSARG
To:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
Date:        2018/11/09 下午 04:52
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Hostel Development Fund


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are still processing your request for
information under the Code on Access to Information.  A substantive reply
will be made as soon as possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>,
Date:        02/11/2018 01:15
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Hostel Development Fund


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the Hostel Development Fund (HDF) as established by Finance
Committee resolution FCR(2018-19)35.

I wish to request a copy of:

(i) the Master Hostel Development Plans submitted by the six UGC-funded
universities with student hostel shortfalls to the Government in February
2018, and

(ii) the service agreement signed between individual universities
concerned and the UGC Secretariat under the HDF.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #323 email]

Is [University Grants Committee Secretariat request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to University Grants Committee Secretariat? If so, please contact us using
this form:

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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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Dear C.C. Kan,

        I refer to your request made under the Code on Access to
Information (the Code) on 2 November 2018 regarding the information on the
Hostel Development Fund (HDF).  Further to our interim replies on 9 and 22
November 2018, we would like to reply as follows:

        The University Grants Committee (UGC) Secretariat is now preparing
the service agreements to be signed between the Government and individual
universities.  Your request for information has been considered thoroughly
according to the Code.  Having taken into account paragraph 2.17 on
premature requests in Part 2 of the Code, please be advised that the
master hostel development plans and the service agreements are not
available for release at the moment.    
        If you are not satisfied with the above decision, you may ask this
Department to review the decision by writing to the Secretary-General, UGC
to review the decision.  Alternatively, you may complain to The Ombudsman,
whose address is –

30/F, China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre
168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2629 0555
Fax: 2882 8149

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        UGC Enquiry/UGC/HKSARG
To:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
Date:        2018/11/22 上午 11:15
Subject:        Re: Freedom of Information request - Hostel Development
Fund (HDF)


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are still processing your request for
information under the Code on Access to Information.  We will provide the
substantive reply to you as soon as possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        UGC Enquiry/UGC/HKSARG
To:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
Date:        2018/11/09 下午 04:52
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Hostel Development Fund


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are still processing your request for
information under the Code on Access to Information.  A substantive reply
will be made as soon as possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>,
Date:        02/11/2018 01:15
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Hostel Development Fund


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the Hostel Development Fund (HDF) as established by Finance
Committee resolution FCR(2018-19)35.

I wish to request a copy of:

(i) the Master Hostel Development Plans submitted by the six UGC-funded
universities with student hostel shortfalls to the Government in February
2018, and

(ii) the service agreement signed between individual universities
concerned and the UGC Secretariat under the HDF.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #323 email]

Is [University Grants Committee Secretariat request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to University Grants Committee Secretariat? If so, please contact us using
this form:

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Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

Please pass this on to Secretary-General.

I am writing to request an internal review of University Grants Committee Secretariat's handling of my Code on Access to Information (Code) request 'Hostel Development Fund (HDF)'.

Grounds of review:

(i) Review against the refusal to provide the Master Hostel Development (MHD) Plans

Para 2.17 of the Code was cited as the sole reason for refusal of my request. The relevant part of the Guidelines on Interpretation and Application (Guidelines) provides:

"This provision may be used to protect information which will be published by the department within 60 days after the request is made. Factors to consider in determining whether to make use of this provision would be a planned publication/announcement date and evidence that release of certain information before that date would damage the impact of the planned publication/announcement and would not therefore be in the public interest." (para 2.17.1)

I am not aware of any planned publication/announcement date for the MHD plans. The existence of the MHD plans has been announced already. For instance, the Finance Committee resolution I quoted in my request refers:

"The six UGC-funded universities with student hostel shortfalls submitted to the Government in February 2018 their Master Hostel Development Plans (MHD Plans) which proposed 15 hostel projects with 13 473 hostel places in total."

As you know, that resolution was passed on 7 July 2018. It follows that release of the MHD plans would not damage any impact of the planned publication/announcement. Furthermore, disclosure would be in the public interest as it informs the public of the details of public works.

Alternatively, if there is a planned publication/announcement date, I refer to para 2.17.2 of the Guidelines, which provides:

"The restriction is however a temporary one since the record containing the information will be a public document once it is published/announced. The applicant should be informed of the position and given an indication of the expected publication/announcement date."

Pursuant to this provision, please inform me of the expected publication/announcement date of the MHD plans.

(ii) Review against the refusal to provide the service agreements

Pursuant to para 2.17.2 of the Guidelines, please provide a timeframe for the expected completion of the service agreements.

(iii) Review against delay and failure to explain said delay

Para 1.18 of the Code states:

"Response may be deferred beyond twenty-one days only in exceptional circumstances, which should be explained to the applicant."

I note that the UGC Secretariat took 27 days to provide a substantive reply in this case, which is 6 days beyond the limit in the Code.

Alternatively, if exceptional circumstances existed, they were not "explained to the applicant". The failure to explain constitutes a breach of the Code.

In either case, please inform me of the detailed reasons for the delay and for the breaches of the Code.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

I look forward to hearing from the Secretary-General.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to acknowledge receipt of your email and we will get back to you

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        30/11/2018 02:49
Subject:        Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Hostel
Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

Please pass this on to Secretary-General.

I am writing to request an internal review of University Grants Committee
Secretariat's handling of my Code on Access to Information (Code) request
'Hostel Development Fund (HDF)'.

Grounds of review:

(i) Review against the refusal to provide the Master Hostel Development
(MHD) Plans

Para 2.17 of the Code was cited as the sole reason for refusal of my
request. The relevant part of the Guidelines on Interpretation and
Application (Guidelines) provides:

"This provision may be used to protect information which will be published
by the department within 60 days after the request is made. Factors to
consider in determining whether to make use of this provision would be a
planned publication/announcement date and evidence that release of certain
information before that date would damage the impact of the planned
publication/announcement and would not therefore be in the public
interest." (para 2.17.1)

I am not aware of any planned publication/announcement date for the MHD
plans. The existence of the MHD plans has been announced already. For
instance, the Finance Committee resolution I quoted in my request refers:

"The six UGC-funded universities with student hostel shortfalls submitted
to the Government in February 2018 their Master Hostel Development Plans
(MHD Plans) which proposed 15 hostel projects with 13 473 hostel places in

As you know, that resolution was passed on 7 July 2018. It follows that
release of the MHD plans would not damage any impact of the planned
publication/announcement. Furthermore, disclosure would be in the public
interest as it informs the public of the details of public works.

Alternatively, if there is a planned publication/announcement date, I
refer to para 2.17.2 of the Guidelines, which provides:

"The restriction is however a temporary one since the record containing
the information will be a public document once it is published/announced.
The applicant should be informed of the position and given an indication
of the expected publication/announcement date."

Pursuant to this provision, please inform me of the expected
publication/announcement date of the MHD plans.

(ii) Review against the refusal to provide the service agreements

Pursuant to para 2.17.2 of the Guidelines, please provide a timeframe for
the expected completion of the service agreements.

(iii) Review against delay and failure to explain said delay

Para 1.18 of the Code states:

"Response may be deferred beyond twenty-one days only in exceptional
circumstances, which should be explained to the applicant."

I note that the UGC Secretariat took 27 days to provide a substantive
reply in this case, which is 6 days beyond the limit in the Code.

Alternatively, if exceptional circumstances existed, they were not
"explained to the applicant". The failure to explain constitutes a breach
of the Code.

In either case, please inform me of the detailed reasons for the delay and
for the breaches of the Code.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on
the Internet at this address:

I look forward to hearing from the Secretary-General.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #323 email]

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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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Dear C.C. Kan,

        I refer to your request for an internal review made under the Code
on Access to Information (the Code) on 30 November 2018 regarding our
refusal to provide you with a copy of the Master Hostel Development (MHD)
Plans submitted by universities and the signed service agreements under
the Hostel Development Fund.  The Secretary-General, University Grants
Committee (UGC) has reviewed the decision and I have been asked to reply
on his behalf.

        According to our records, we have provided our substantive reply
to you on 29 November 2018 after two interim replies sent to you on 9 and
22 November advising that your request dated 2 November 2018 was being
processed and a substantive reply would be made as soon as possible.  The
longer processing time for your request was due to need to seek advice on
this case from another Government department.

  As mentioned in our reply to you on 29 November, UGC Secretariat is now
preparing the service agreements (with the MHD Plans as part of the
agreements) to be signed between the Government and individual
universities.  Based on paragraph 2.17 on premature requests in Part 2 of
the Code, the MHD plans and the service agreements are not available for
release at the moment.  The UGC Secretariat is now finalising the
documents and will arrange signing of service agreements and release of
capital grants to the universities concerned as soon as possible.  The
documents under request may be considered for release to the public after
completion of the above process.  
  If you are not satisfied with the above decision, you may complain to
The Ombudsman, whose address is –

30/F, China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre
168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2629 0555
Fax: 2882 8149

        If you have further enquiries, please free feel to contact me at
2844 9946.
Fiona Lee
University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        30/11/2018 02:49
Subject:        Internal review of Freedom of Information request - Hostel
Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

Please pass this on to Secretary-General.

I am writing to request an internal review of University Grants Committee
Secretariat's handling of my Code on Access to Information (Code) request
'Hostel Development Fund (HDF)'.

Grounds of review:

(i) Review against the refusal to provide the Master Hostel Development
(MHD) Plans

Para 2.17 of the Code was cited as the sole reason for refusal of my
request. The relevant part of the Guidelines on Interpretation and
Application (Guidelines) provides:

"This provision may be used to protect information which will be published
by the department within 60 days after the request is made. Factors to
consider in determining whether to make use of this provision would be a
planned publication/announcement date and evidence that release of certain
information before that date would damage the impact of the planned
publication/announcement and would not therefore be in the public
interest." (para 2.17.1)

I am not aware of any planned publication/announcement date for the MHD
plans. The existence of the MHD plans has been announced already. For
instance, the Finance Committee resolution I quoted in my request refers:

"The six UGC-funded universities with student hostel shortfalls submitted
to the Government in February 2018 their Master Hostel Development Plans
(MHD Plans) which proposed 15 hostel projects with 13 473 hostel places in

As you know, that resolution was passed on 7 July 2018. It follows that
release of the MHD plans would not damage any impact of the planned
publication/announcement. Furthermore, disclosure would be in the public
interest as it informs the public of the details of public works.

Alternatively, if there is a planned publication/announcement date, I
refer to para 2.17.2 of the Guidelines, which provides:

"The restriction is however a temporary one since the record containing
the information will be a public document once it is published/announced.
The applicant should be informed of the position and given an indication
of the expected publication/announcement date."

Pursuant to this provision, please inform me of the expected
publication/announcement date of the MHD plans.

(ii) Review against the refusal to provide the service agreements

Pursuant to para 2.17.2 of the Guidelines, please provide a timeframe for
the expected completion of the service agreements.

(iii) Review against delay and failure to explain said delay

Para 1.18 of the Code states:

"Response may be deferred beyond twenty-one days only in exceptional
circumstances, which should be explained to the applicant."

I note that the UGC Secretariat took 27 days to provide a substantive
reply in this case, which is 6 days beyond the limit in the Code.

Alternatively, if exceptional circumstances existed, they were not
"explained to the applicant". The failure to explain constitutes a breach
of the Code.

In either case, please inform me of the detailed reasons for the delay and
for the breaches of the Code.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on
the Internet at this address:

I look forward to hearing from the Secretary-General.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #323 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



Visible links

Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to our correspondence below.

Please provide an update as to whether the service agreements (with the MHD Plans as part of the agreements) has been signed between the Government and individual universities.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Dear C.C. Kan,

        As regards your enquiry dated 24 May 2019, please be informed that
the Government has already signed the service agreements with the relevant
UGC-funded universities, namely, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Baptist University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
and The University of Hong Kong.  

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        24/05/2019 07:56
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to our correspondence below.

Please provide an update as to whether the service agreements (with the
MHD Plans as part of the agreements) has been signed between the
Government and individual universities.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

Thank you for the update.

Pursuant to the Code of Access to Information, I would like to make a fresh request for a copy of the service agreement signed with each of the universities as mentioned in your reply, including the MHD plans and any other annexures or attachments.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Dear C.C. Kan,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email dated 30 May 2019
regarding the request of information on Hostel Development Fund.  We are
now processing your request and shall get back to you as soon as possible.
 Thank You.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        30/05/2019 10:56
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

Thank you for the update.

Pursuant to the Code of Access to Information, I would like to make a
fresh request for a copy of the service agreement signed with each of the
universities as mentioned in your reply, including the MHD plans and any
other annexures or attachments.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan



Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are still processing your request for
information under the Code on Access to Information.  A substantive reply
will be made as soon as possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        UGC Enquiry/UGC/HKSARG
To:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
Date:        2019/06/03 下午 05:26
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear C.C. Kan,

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email dated 30 May 2019
regarding the request of information on Hostel Development Fund.  We are
now processing your request and shall get back to you as soon as possible.
 Thank You.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        30/05/2019 10:56
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

Thank you for the update.

Pursuant to the Code of Access to Information, I would like to make a
fresh request for a copy of the service agreement signed with each of the
universities as mentioned in your reply, including the MHD plans and any
other annexures or attachments.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the following provisions of the Code on Access to Information (the Code):

Paragraph 1.16: "Where possible, information will be made available within ten days of receipt of a written request. If that is not possible, the applicant will be so advised by an interim reply within ten days of receipt of the request. The target response time will then be twenty-one days from receipt of the request."

Paragraph 1.18: "Response may be deferred beyond twenty-one days only in exceptional circumstances, which should be explained to the applicant."

The Guidelines on Interpretation and Application of the Code states:

1.16.1 and 1.17.1 "The target response times set out in paragraphs 1.16 and 1.17 of the Code should be regarded as upper limits."

In the present case, you are reminded that the 21-day limit will fall on June 20, 2019. If a full response is further deferred beyond that date, the UGC Secretariat is obliged to provide an explanation of any "exceptional circumstances" to me in accordance with paragraph 1.18.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are seeking advice from relevant units
on your request for information under the Code on Access to Information.
 A substantive reply will be provided to you as soon as possible.  Thank

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        19/06/2019 02:22
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the following provisions of the Code on Access to Information
(the Code):

Paragraph 1.16: "Where possible, information will be made available within
ten days of receipt of a written request. If that is not possible, the
applicant will be so advised by an interim reply within ten days of
receipt of the request. The target response time will then be twenty-one
days from receipt of the request."

Paragraph 1.18: "Response may be deferred beyond twenty-one days only in
exceptional circumstances, which should be explained to the applicant."

The Guidelines on Interpretation and Application of the Code states:

1.16.1 and 1.17.1 "The target response times set out in paragraphs 1.16
and 1.17 of the Code should be regarded as upper limits."

In the present case, you are reminded that the 21-day limit will fall on
June 20, 2019. If a full response is further deferred beyond that date,
the UGC Secretariat is obliged to provide an explanation of any
"exceptional circumstances" to me in accordance with paragraph 1.18.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan



Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are seeking consent from relevant
universities on your request for information under the Code on Access to
Information.  A substantive reply will be provided to you as soon as
possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        UGC Enquiry/UGC/HKSARG
To:        [FOI #323 email]
Date:        2019/06/19 上午 10:36
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)
Sent by:        Jackie CK CHUI


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are seeking advice from relevant units
on your request for information under the Code on Access to Information.
 A substantive reply will be provided to you as soon as possible.  Thank

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        19/06/2019 02:22
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the following provisions of the Code on Access to Information
(the Code):

Paragraph 1.16: "Where possible, information will be made available within
ten days of receipt of a written request. If that is not possible, the
applicant will be so advised by an interim reply within ten days of
receipt of the request. The target response time will then be twenty-one
days from receipt of the request."

Paragraph 1.18: "Response may be deferred beyond twenty-one days only in
exceptional circumstances, which should be explained to the applicant."

The Guidelines on Interpretation and Application of the Code states:

1.16.1 and 1.17.1 "The target response times set out in paragraphs 1.16
and 1.17 of the Code should be regarded as upper limits."

In the present case, you are reminded that the 21-day limit will fall on
June 20, 2019. If a full response is further deferred beyond that date,
the UGC Secretariat is obliged to provide an explanation of any
"exceptional circumstances" to me in accordance with paragraph 1.18.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan



Dear C.C. Kan,

        After liaising with the universities concerned, a copy of the
service agreements together with the annexes or attachments attached would
be provided to you under the Code on Access to Information.  Please be
informed that the documents requested comprising 344 pages (i.e. 314 A4
pages and 30 A3 pages), will be provided to you after receipt of your
payment of $453.2 (i.e. $1.3 per copy for A4 size paper and $1.5 per copy
for A3 size paper).   In this connection, I should be grateful if you
would let us have a mailing address for sending you the demand note for
payment of the photocopying charge regarding the documents you are
seeking.  We shall let you know the payment method and the detailed
arrangements for delivery of the copy of the documents required while
sending you the demand note concerned.

2.        Your reply by 2 August 2019 would be appreciated.  If you have
any enquiries, please feel free to contact Miss Fiona Lee, SEO(C), at 2844

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        UGC Enquiry/UGC/HKSARG
To:        [FOI #323 email]
Date:        2019/07/18 下午 05:33
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are seeking consent from relevant
universities on your request for information under the Code on Access to
Information.  A substantive reply will be provided to you as soon as
possible.  Thank you.

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        UGC Enquiry/UGC/HKSARG
To:        [FOI #323 email]
Date:        2019/06/19 上午 10:36
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)
Sent by:        Jackie CK CHUI


Dear C.C. Kan,

        Please be informed that we are seeking advice from relevant units
on your request for information under the Code on Access to Information.
 A substantive reply will be provided to you as soon as possible.  Thank

University Grants Committee Secretariat

From:        "C.C. Kan" <[FOI #323 email]>
To:        FOI requests at University Grants Committee Secretariat
<[University Grants Committee Secretariat request email]>
Date:        19/06/2019 02:22
Subject:        Re: Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Hostel Development Fund (HDF)


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

I refer to the following provisions of the Code on Access to Information
(the Code):

Paragraph 1.16: "Where possible, information will be made available within
ten days of receipt of a written request. If that is not possible, the
applicant will be so advised by an interim reply within ten days of
receipt of the request. The target response time will then be twenty-one
days from receipt of the request."

Paragraph 1.18: "Response may be deferred beyond twenty-one days only in
exceptional circumstances, which should be explained to the applicant."

The Guidelines on Interpretation and Application of the Code states:

1.16.1 and 1.17.1 "The target response times set out in paragraphs 1.16
and 1.17 of the Code should be regarded as upper limits."

In the present case, you are reminded that the 21-day limit will fall on
June 20, 2019. If a full response is further deferred beyond that date,
the UGC Secretariat is obliged to provide an explanation of any
"exceptional circumstances" to me in accordance with paragraph 1.18.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Dear University Grants Committee Secretariat,

Thank you for your update.

With regards to the proposed charges, para. 1.24.1 of the Guidelines states:

"Successful applicants for access to information should only be charged for the cost of reproducing the required documents, etc. at the current standard charge where one exists."

As a government department in the modern age, the UGC Secretariat would have electronic copies of the service agreements (and attachments). For environmental and public access reasons, I request to receive the information in electronic PDF format rather than hard copies. Sending an electronic file would also remove the cost associated with photocopying and mailing the documents to me. Therefore, there would be no 'cost of reproducing' the documents if the UGC Secretariat is agreeable to handle the request over email.

Please let me know if this is agreeable to you.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan