Immigration detention at prisons

Annie Li根據公開資料要求入境事務處披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Immigration Department,

I am writing to make a data request about the number of non-refoulement claimants detained in prisons. May I know, in each of the years between 2014 to 2018, how many non-refoulement claimants were/are detained at sites and buildings referred to in point one of Schedule 1 to the Immigration (Places of Detention) Order, Cap 115B , on the basis of section 35(1) of the Immigration Department, Cap 115? What is the average length of such detention and what has been the longest period of such detention? How many of those in such detention were aged under 18 at the time of the detention?

Annie Li
Research and Policy Officer
Justice Centre Hong Kong


Our ref. : L/M in ImmD RALOS/6-20/3/C

Dear Ms Li,


Thank you for your email dd 9 May 2018.  Regarding the matters raised
therein, we would revert to you in due course.


Best Regards,


M H Fung

for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [1]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.


Our ref. : L/M in ImmD RALOS/6-20/3/C

Dear Ms LI,


We refer to your application for access to information of 9 May 2018 and
our interim reply on 18 May 2018.  We need more time to handle your
request and we shall revert to you soon.


Best Regards,

M H Fung

for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [1]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.


Our ref. : L/M in ImmD RALOS/6-20/3/C

Dear Ms Li,


Thank you for your email enquiry of 9 May 2018 enquiring about the number
of non-refoulement claimants detained in prisons.


Further to our interim reply on 29 May 2018, please be informed that under
the Immigration Ordinance, Chapter 115 of the Laws of Hong Kong, the
Director of Immigration is empowered to detain an illegal immigrant under
specific circumstances. Under section 37ZK of the Immigration Ordinance, a
claimant may be detained pending final determination of the claimant’s
claim.  As at end of April 2018, there were 68 claimants being detained
under section 37ZK of Cap. 115.


You may wish to note that in general, the Immigration Department (“ImmD”)
will not detain a non-refoulement claimant at prison pending final
determination of the claim. The ImmD therefore does not maintain
statistics requested in the question.

I hope you will find the information useful.


Best Regards,

FUNG Man-him
for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [1]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.