Lengths of detention at MTKDC (May - Dec 2022)

H. Y. Fung根據公開資料要求入境事務處披露資料

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Dear Immigration Department,

I am writing to make a data access request about length of detention periods at Ma Tau Kok Detention Centre (MTKDC). May I know, at the end of each month of May – Dec 2022: 

A) The length of detention for the detainee population at MTKDC (1-3 days, 4-6 days, 7-14 days, 15-21 days, 22 – 28 days, etc) 

If the information could be provided in CSV format, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much for your help. 

Kind regards,
H. Y. Fung


Our Reference: L/M (596) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R

Dear H.Y. FUNG,
Our department has received your application for access to information on
10.01.2023.  Your application is now under processing.  According to
paragraph 1.16 of the Code on Access to Information, our department will
inform you of the latest progress of the case separately on or before
30.01.2023.  In the meantime, please contact the undersigned via this
email if you have any enquiry.

Best regards,

CHAN Tsz-ho
for Director of Immigration


Our Reference: L/M (596) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R

Dear H.Y. FUNG,
Further to our interim reply of 17 January 2023, I am writing to inform
you that your application for access to information is still under
processing, as more time is required to gather and consolidate the
information requested in your application.  According to paragraph 1.18 of
the Code on Access to Information, our department will inform you of the
latest progress of the case separately on or before 1 March 2023.

If you have any enquiry, please contact the undersigned via this email.

Best regards,

CHAN, Tsz-ho
for Director of Immigration



Our Reference: L/M (596) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R

Dear H.Y. FUNG,
I refer to your request for access to information on 10.01.2023 and our
interim replies to you on the 17.01.2023 and 28.01.2023.  I hereby provide
you the following information.

The length of detention statistics at Ma Tau Kok Detention Centre
(“MTKDC”) for the end of each month between May 2022 to December 2022 are
tabulated as follows:-

I hope the information is useful to you.

Best regards,

CHAN, Tsz-ho
for Director of Immigration