Litter cum recyclables collection bin cover-up labels

Guy Freeman根據公開資料要求食物及衞生局披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,

I understand your department is responsible for the provision of recyclables collection bins in Hong Kong.

Under the Code on Access to Information, please furnish me with records concerning the following:

1) Any internal or external discussion documents or reports concerning the decision to cover the word "cum" and/or the character "及" on the relevant subset of recyclable collection bins (i.e. those combined with litter bins);
2) The budget and timescale for completing the covering up of the word "cum" and/or the character "及" on the litter cum recyclable collection bins.

Please tell me if your department does not hold these records, and help me pass on the request to the relevant department.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Guy Freeman


Our Ref.: ( 3 ) in L/M (5391) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.: 2867 5513
Fax No.: 2521 7261

Mr. Guy Freeman
Email : [FOI #141 email]

Dear Mr. Freeman,

Application for Access to Information

I refer to your application for access to information received on
21 February 2017.

We are processing your application and shall revert to you as soon
as possible. For enquiries, please contact the undersigned at 2867 5513.

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene


Our Ref.: ( 5 ) in L/M (5391) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.: 2867 5513
Fax No.: 2521 7261

Mr. Guy Freeman
Email : [FOI #141 email]

Dear Mr. Freeman,

Application for Access to Information

I refer to your application for access to information received on
21 February 2017 and our interim reply on 22 February 2017. In relation to
your request, please refer to our reply with a summary of the relevant
records as follows: -

This department received a number of complaints from different
channels, which suggested that the word “cum” on the backdrop of the
recyclables collection bins carried unpleasant meaning. After considering
these complaints, we revised the signage by replacing the word "cum" and
the corresponding Chinese character "及" with a symbol "/".

The replacement of signage of recyclables collection bins placed
at public places by FEHD was carried out and completed in April 2014. The
cost of procuring necessary replacement materials was about $3,000.

For enquiries about the information, please contact Mr. NG
Kwok-lun, Chief Health Inspector (Cleansing & Pest Control) 2, at 2867
5524. For general enquiries about access to information, please contact
the undersigned at 2867 5513.

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Dear Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts internal reviews of Access to Information requests.

I am writing to request an internal review under section 1.25 of the Code on Access to Information of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department's handling of my request 'Litter cum recyclables collection bin cover-up labels'.

A full history of my request and all correspondence thus far is available on the Internet at this address:

While I thank you for the information that the replacement materials cost HK$3,000, you have not supplied me with the length of time it took to complete this project, nor any internal or external discussion documents or reports concerning the decision to undertake the project, as I requested.

I look forward to receiving the records as requested.

Yours faithfully,

Guy Freeman


Our Ref.: ( 8 ) in L/M (5391) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.: 2867 5513
Fax No.: 2521 7261

Mr. Guy Freeman
Email : [FOI #141 email]

Dear Mr. Freeman,

Application for Access to Information

I refer to your request for a review on your previous application
for access to information received on 6 March 2017.

We are processing your application and shall revert to you as soon
as possible. For enquiries, please contact the undersigned at 2867 5513.

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene


Our Ref.: ( 10 ) in L/M (5391) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.: 2867 5513
Fax No.: 2521 7261

Mr. Guy Freeman
Email : [FOI #141 email]

Dear Mr. Freeman,

Application for Access to Information

I refer to your request for a review on your previous application
for access to information received on 6 March 2017, and our acknowledgement
on the same day (6 March 2017).

We are still processing your application and shall revert to you
as soon as possible. For enquiries, please contact the undersigned at 2867

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene



Our Ref.: ( 13 ) in L/M (5391) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.: 2867 5513
Fax No.: 2521 7261

Mr. Guy Freeman
Email : [FOI #141 email]

Dear Mr. Freeman,

Application for Access to Information

I refer to your request for a review on your previous application
for access to information received on 6 March 2017, and our interim replies
on 6 and 15 March 2017.

This department has completed the review and our reply is attached
herewith. For enquiries, please contact the undersigned at 2867 5513.

(See attached file: Letter (with Annex)_5391.pdf)

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene