Measured data of outfall discharge of storm water drainage system during historical typhoons
Dear Drainage Services Department,
I would like to ask whether there are any measurement data of outfall discharge of storm water drainage system. Such kind of data is valuable for learning about the capacity of the drainage system, espacially duirng some extreme weather events such as super typhoon. Is it possible for DSD to provide some measured data of outfall discharge of the drainage system (best hourly data) during historical typhoons for reseach purpose?
Yours faithfully,
Dear Jessica,
I refer to your application for access to information dated 17 February
For the design capacities and other key figures of our major drainage
infrastructures, you are kindly advised to refer to page 23 of "DSD in
Brief", our departmental publication which is currently available at
If you may wish to check any specific detail of any particular drainage
asset, please consider our drainage record inspection service. For
further details of this service, please refer to the respective page on
the DSD website at
Thank you for your kind attention.
Drainage Services Department