Number of non-refoulement claimants whose claims have determined, Dec 2017

Annie Li根據公開資料要求入境事務處披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Immigration Department,

I am writing to enquire, as of 31 December 2017, how many non-refoulement claimants, having their claims been finally determined and rejected by the Immigration Department, (i) had lodged appeals/petitions or were within the 14-day time period for lodging appeals/petitions and (ii) had not lodged appeals/petitions, were without the 14-day time period for lodging appeals/petitions and were in Hong Kong.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Annie Li
Research and Policy Officer
Justice Centre Hong Kong


To: [1][FOI #256 email]
Our ref. : L/M in ImmD RALOS/6-20/3/C

Dear Ms Li,

Thank you for your email dd 9 March 2018.  Regarding the matters raised
therein, we would revert to you in due course.

Best Regards,

M H Fung
for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [2]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.


Our ref. : L/M in ImmD RALOS/6-20/3/C

Dear Ms Li,


We refer to your application for access to information of 9 March 2018 and
our interim reply on 16 March 2018.  We need more time to handle your
request and we shall revert to you soon.


Best Regards,

M H Fung

for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [1]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.


本處檔號: L/M in ImmD RALOS/6-20/3/C


Dear Ms Li,


I write further to our interim reply of 28 March 2018 with regard to your
email dated 9 March 2018 seeking access to information relating to
statistics on non-refoulement claims.


Please be informed that as at the end of 2017, the Immigration Department
(ImmD) had determined 10 565 non-refoulement claims under the Unified
Screening Mechanism (USM), amongst which 5 974 claimants had lodged an
appeal or were those who were within the 14-day time limit for lodging an
appeal, 3 199 claimants had left Hong Kong or were pending removal, and 1
306 claimants were still in Hong Kong for other reasons, for instance,
being imprisoned or prosecuted, etc.


If you have any queries and need further assistance in the future, please
do not hesitate to contact us.



Yours faithfully,



(FUNG Man-him)

for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [1]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.

Dear Fung Man-him,

Thank you for your reply and the data.

Annie Li
Research and Policy Officer
Justice Centre Hong Kong