Occupation code conversion

Alexis Xu根據公開資料要求政府統計處披露資料

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Dear Census and Statistics Department,

Since the occupation classification follows ISCO-08 since the 2011 census, how can occupation codes during the 1991 to 2006 censuses and by-censuses (which follow ISCO-88) inter-transfer with the 2011 census based on the two-digit occupation classification?

Yours faithfully,

Alexis Xu


Dear Alexis,

A new occupation classification scheme modeled on the “International
Standard Classification Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)” was adopted in the
2011 Population Census.  As the new classification scheme was different
from those adopted in the past rounds Population Census/By-census and
direct conversion of statistics in terms of different occupation
classifications across years was not available, comparisons with past
census/by-census figures could only be done through re-compiling new sets
of figures on the working population by occupation for past rounds of
census/by-census based on the new classification scheme.  Moreover, it
should be noted that owing to data limitations, the comparisons could only
be made at a board level and cautions should be exercised when comparing
those figures.  You may refer to page 109-110 of publication “2011
Population Census Main Report – Volume I”
for details.

It is an established practice since 1961 for Hong Kong to conduct a
population census once every 10 years, and a by-census in the middle of
the intercensal period.  The latest round is the 2021 Population Census.
 No separate statistical information can be provided for years without
conducting a population census/by-census.

Should you have any questions about population censuses/by-censuses,
please feel free to contact Demographic Statistics Section (2) of this
department (Enquiry service: (852) 3903 6944; Facsimile: (852) 2716 0231;
E-mail: [email address] ).

Best regards,
Felix LI
Research Manager
Census and Statistics Department
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

From:        Alexis Xu <[FOI #1410 email]>
To:        FOI requests at Census and Statistics Department
<[Census and Statistics Department request email]>
Date:        23/08/2023 11:07 AM
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Occupation code


Dear Census and Statistics Department,

Since the occupation classification follows ISCO-08 since the 2011 census,
how can occupation codes during the 1991 to 2006 censuses and by-censuses
(which follow ISCO-88) inter-transfer with the 2011 census based on the
two-digit occupation classification?

Yours faithfully,

Alexis Xu


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