Questions about Dr Tin Chatbot

Simon Wang根據公開資料要求香港天文台披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Hong Kong Observatory staff,

I am writing to request info about the chatbot Dr Tin. Please kindly answer the following quesions under the Code on Access to Information.

1) Please provide the tendering documents for developing the chatbot.
2) Could you explain why Dr Tin is only available in Cantonese but not in formal written Chinese? Considering the fact that all HK residents can understand formal written Chinese but not all can understand written Cantonese, please provide the reasoning behind the decision to make Dr Tin available in written Cantonese only.
3) Please provide a list of questions that Dr Tin can handle and the predetermined answers.
4) In what ways does Dr Tin learn to answer new questions that his database/ knowledge cannot handle?
5) In what ways does Dr Tin's knowledge base connect with HKO's open data
6) It seems rather straight-forward to deploy Dr Tin via the HKO website as well. Please explain why Dr Tin is only available via MyObservatory app.
7) Please provide the usage data of Dr Tin chatbot via the app, e.g. no. of users per month and no. of questions answered per day. To provide the context for this question, please also provide the no. of downloads and no. of acive monthly users of the app.
8) It seems that Dr Tin is not just a chatbot. He also engages in educational activities, e.g. Please provide more info about HKO's overall plan for Dr Tin.
9) Assuming that Dr Tin is part of the larger digital transformation strategy of HKO, could you refer me to documents and reports about how the department plans to offer better digital services for the public adopting the state-of-the-art technologies?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Yours sincerely
Dr Simon Wang, Ph.D., FHEA
Lecturer in English
Language Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 34117044
Writing for the Public Project

Armstrong Cheng (SCIG), 香港天文台

Dear Dr Simon Wang,


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email dated 11 May 2022. 


Response to your questions is under preparation and will be provided
soonest possible.


Best regards,

YC Cheng

Hong Kong Observatory


Tel: 2926 8358

From: Simon Wang <[1][FOI #1084 email]>
To: FOI requests at Hong Kong Observatory <[2][Hong Kong Observatory request email]>
Date: 2022/05/11 上午 08:34
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Questions about Dr Tin Chatbot


Dear Hong Kong Observatory staff,

I am writing to request info about the chatbot Dr Tin. Please kindly
answer the following quesions under the Code on Access to Information.

1) Please provide the tendering documents for developing the chatbot.
2) Could you explain why Dr Tin is only available in Cantonese but not in
formal written Chinese?  Considering the fact that all HK residents can
understand formal written Chinese but not all can understand written
Cantonese, please provide the reasoning behind the decision to make Dr Tin
available in written Cantonese only.
3) Please provide a list of questions that Dr Tin can handle and the
predetermined answers.
4) In what ways does Dr Tin learn to answer new questions that his
database/ knowledge cannot handle?  
5) In what ways does Dr Tin's knowledge base connect with HKO's open data
6) It seems rather straight-forward to deploy Dr Tin via the HKO website
as well. Please explain why Dr Tin is only available via MyObservatory
7) Please provide the usage data of Dr Tin chatbot via the app, e.g. no.
of users per month and no. of questions answered per day.  To provide the
context for this question, please also provide the no. of downloads and
no. of acive monthly users of the app.  
8) It seems that Dr Tin is not just a chatbot. He also engages in
educational activities, e.g.
[4] provide more
info about HKO's overall plan for Dr Tin.  
9) Assuming that Dr Tin is part of the larger digital transformation
strategy of HKO, could you refer me to documents and reports about how the
department plans to offer better digital services for the public adopting
the state-of-the-art technologies?  

Thanks in advance for your assistance.  

Yours sincerely
Dr Simon Wang, Ph.D., FHEA
Lecturer in English
Language Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 34117044
Writing for the Public Project


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[6][FOI #1084 email]

Is [7][Hong Kong Observatory request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Hong Kong Observatory? If so, please contact us using this

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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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Armstrong Cheng (SCIG), 香港天文台


Dear Dr Simon Wang,


Reference is made to your enquiry dated 11 May 2022.


Attached please find HKO’s responses to your questions.  If you have
further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


Best regards,

YC Cheng

Hong Kong Observatory


Tel: 2926 8358



From: Armstrong Cheng (SCIG) <[1][email address]>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 7:43 PM
To: [2][FOI #1084 email]
Subject: FW: Freedom of Information request - Questions about Dr Tin


Dear Dr Simon Wang,


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email dated 11 May 2022. 


Response to your questions is under preparation and will be provided
soonest possible.


Best regards,

YC Cheng

Hong Kong Observatory


Tel: 2926 8358

From: Simon Wang <[3][FOI #1084 email]>
To: FOI requests at Hong Kong Observatory <[4][Hong Kong Observatory request email]>
Date: 2022/05/11 上午 08:34
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Questions about Dr Tin Chatbot


Dear Hong Kong Observatory staff,

I am writing to request info about the chatbot Dr Tin. Please kindly
answer the following quesions under the Code on Access to Information.

1) Please provide the tendering documents for developing the chatbot.
2) Could you explain why Dr Tin is only available in Cantonese but not in
formal written Chinese?  Considering the fact that all HK residents can
understand formal written Chinese but not all can understand written
Cantonese, please provide the reasoning behind the decision to make Dr Tin
available in written Cantonese only.
3) Please provide a list of questions that Dr Tin can handle and the
predetermined answers.
4) In what ways does Dr Tin learn to answer new questions that his
database/ knowledge cannot handle?  
5) In what ways does Dr Tin's knowledge base connect with HKO's open data
6) It seems rather straight-forward to deploy Dr Tin via the HKO website
as well. Please explain why Dr Tin is only available via MyObservatory
7) Please provide the usage data of Dr Tin chatbot via the app, e.g. no.
of users per month and no. of questions answered per day.  To provide the
context for this question, please also provide the no. of downloads and
no. of acive monthly users of the app.  
8) It seems that Dr Tin is not just a chatbot. He also engages in
educational activities, e.g.
[6] provide more
info about HKO's overall plan for Dr Tin.  
9) Assuming that Dr Tin is part of the larger digital transformation
strategy of HKO, could you refer me to documents and reports about how the
department plans to offer better digital services for the public adopting
the state-of-the-art technologies?  

Thanks in advance for your assistance.  

Yours sincerely
Dr Simon Wang, Ph.D., FHEA
Lecturer in English
Language Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 34117044
Writing for the Public Project


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[8][FOI #1084 email]

Is [9][Hong Kong Observatory request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Hong Kong Observatory? If so, please contact us using this

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



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8. mailto:[FOI #1084 email]
9. mailto:[Hong Kong Observatory request email]