Request for traffic light positions and/or timing for most major cities in Hong Kong

Erjon B. Hatillari根據公開資料要求運輸署披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Transport Department,

Is it possible to share the data of the traffic control signs (traffic lights) with us?
In most of the countries, they usually have them open on their website but i couldn't find them on yours.

Yours faithfully,
Erjon B. Hatillari

Carol Wing Shan YEUNG, 運輸署


Dear Mr. Hatillari,

I refer to your email dated 16.5.2015 and attach the locations of
signalised junctions in Hong Kong for your reference, please.  The
information provided should be read in conjunction with the following

TRAFFIC SIGNALS RECORDS DISCLAIMER: The locations of traffic signals as
recorded by Transport Department (TD) are for TD’s own operational
purposes, and traffic signals operation are subject to change to cope with
needs, road works, development, right-of-ways arrangements,
traffic/pedestrian flows, incidents etc., as appropriate.  Whilst TD
endeavours to keep the traffic signals records accurate, and attempts to
provide the same to the public if requested, there is no warranty or
guarantee, either expressed or implied, given as to the accuracy and
comprehensiveness of such records.  Moreover, TD reserves the right to
amend the records from time to time, and accepts no liability for errors
or omissions, or providing updates to holders.

Should you have further enquiries, please contact Mr Charles LEE at 2782
7210.  Thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Ms Carol Yeung
for Commissioner for Transport


Dear Carol Wing Shan YEUNG,

Thank you.
We are making a software application which includes the traffic signals and we also adding a feature where the users can report if there is an issue with a light. Would like to provide me with an email so we can forward a request of a broken light directly to you?

Yours sincerely,

Erjon B. Hatillari

Carol Wing Shan YEUNG, 運輸署

Dear Mr. Hatillari,

I refer to your email dated 22.5.2015 and would like to provide the email
address for fault reporting of traffic lights as follows -

[email address]


Yours sincerely,

Ms Carol Yeung
for Commissioner for Transport


Guy Freeman加入了一個備註。(

Email address is

tellme *at*