We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sebastian Lee please sign in and let everyone know.

Restrictions on court public gallery access under COVID-19

Sebastian Lee根據公開資料要求公務及司法人員薪俸及服務條件諮詢委員會聯合秘書處披露資料

Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Sebastian Lee to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service,

Please provide the total number of seats designed to be available to members of the public and of the press, as well as the number of seats withheld under current crowd control measures related to COVID-19 as of December 29, 2022, for the following court houses:

1. Court of First Instance
2. Court of Appeal
3. Court of Final Appeal
4. District Court
5. All magistrate courts

Please provide a breakdown for the two figures, for each courtroom at the above court houses.

Yours faithfully,

Sebastian Lee


Dear Mr Lee,

Your request made on 29 December 2022 under the Code on Access to
Information seeking the information regarding the court public gallery
access was received.

Please be advised that this department provides secretariat support
to advisory bodies that advise on matters relating to the salaries and
conditions of service for various segments of the public service and
therefore does not have the information requested. You may wish to
approach the Judiciary for assistance.

Ms Katy Ip
Access to Information Officer
The Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial
Salaries and Conditions of Service

From: Sebastian Lee <[FOI #1259 email]>
To: FOI requests at Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on
Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service
<[Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service request email]>
Date: 29/12/2022 15:49
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Restrictions on court public
gallery access under COVID-19

Dear Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and
Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service,

Please provide the total number of seats designed to be available to
members of the public and of the press, as well as the number of seats
withheld under current crowd control measures related to COVID-19 as of
December 29, 2022, for the following court houses:

1. Court of First Instance
2. Court of Appeal
3. Court of Final Appeal
4. District Court
5. All magistrate courts

Please provide a breakdown for the two figures, for each courtroom at the
above court houses.

Yours faithfully,

Sebastian Lee


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the accessinfo.hk website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1259 email]

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sebastian Lee please sign in and let everyone know.