Shapefile for 18 districts

Vivian Chan根據公開資料要求地政總署披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


To whom it may concern,

I am doing a project about population density and I would like to request the shapefile of Hong Kong, with boundaries showing all 18 districts. I will be using ArcGIS to produce a map, so I will need all the related files and the shapefile.

Yours sincerely,
Vivian Chan


Our File Reference:        (     ) in LD-SMO-LIC/6-5/1

Dear Ms. Vivian CHAN,

        Thank you for your application dated 4 May 2016 seeking access to
information of shapefile of Hong Kong with boundaries showing all 18

2.        Please be informed that digital topographic maps in different
scales ranging from 1:1000 to 1:20000 covering the whole territory of Hong
Kong are available for purchase.  You may refer to the product information
sheets available at
[1] for
details.  Samples are also available for testing at
[2]  If you
are using ArcGIS software, you may purchase the FGDB format which can be
directly manipulated at the ArcGIS platform.  Should you wish to obtain
the digital topographic maps, please place your order via the web site of
Hong Kong Map Service at [3]

3.        As regards to the 18 District Council Districts boundary maps,
please note that they are under the purview of the Home Affairs Department
(HAD).  Subject to your consent, your request made under the Code on
Access to Information will be transferred to the HAD in accordance with
para. 1.15.1(a) of the Code on Access to Information.  Your reply by 23
May 2016 to facilitate our follow-up actions would be very much
Best regards,
Tammy HO
LS/LIC(7), LandsD
(Tel: 2231-3219)



Our File Reference:        (     ) in LD-SMO-LIC/6-5/1

Dear Ms. Vivian CHAN,

Para. 3 of my preceding email refers.  Your consent for transferring your
request to HAD is still awaiting.  Withdrawal to the request will be
assumed if we do not hear from you by 1 June 2016.

In case you need any further information, please feel free to contact me
at 2231-3219.

Best regards,
Tammy HO
LS/LIC(7), LandsD
(Tel: 2231-3219)



Our File Reference:        (     ) in LD-SMO-LIC/6-5/1

Dear Ms. Vivian CHAN,

My emails dated 9 May and 25 May 2016 refer.  As we do not hear from you
since our first reply on 9 May 2016, it is assumed that you do you need
the said boundary maps.  Your request through Code on Access to
Information is hereby withdrawn.

In case you need any further information, please feel free to contact me
at 2231-3219.

Best regards,
Tammy HO
LS/LIC(7), LandsD
(Tel: 2231-3219)
